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decision to kill injured hen?

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Hello early morning I know...i don't post alot but read the club regularly and have been an eglu owner for over 2 years and have had the same happy hens during this time but had to post and ask advice this am!!

Was woken at 4 am by the most blood curdling screech and the long and short of it was a hen which my black rock has been untouched by , my speckeldy gone and bluebell has been attacked but is alive in a box by the Aga she has a couple of puncture wounds on her neck and a nick bite out of her back and has lost a fair bit of feathers and seems pretty shocked!! No wonder....

My dilema is do I leave her to see if she survives or get my handy friend who is very practised in wringing their necks to put her out of her misery?

I would hate her to be suffering but want to give her an opportunity to survive if she is going to.. a vet is not an option am married to a farmer and he would not entertain it!!Thanks for reading and advising.


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Poor thing.


Give her a chance to rally. She might surprise you.


Bring her in and keep her warm.


Coax her to eat and drink. Dribble water into her beak if she is reluctant.


Bathe any wounds with a bit of warm saline.


See how she goes for at least a couple of days.


If a vet is out of the question, and she is deteriorating, or obviously suffering, then it might be time to call upon the services of your friend.


If you have any Rescue Remedy, give her a few drops. Many swear by it.


Best of luck.


Let us have an update won't you.

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I agree with what Egluntine says, you may be surprised by the outcome.


A bit of TLC seems to go a long way with hens. You will know if she is deteriorating and if she doesn't perk up and doesn't eat and drink then you will need to go for plan B.


You could try a warm porridge, yoghurt and honey mash.

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thank you for your kind replies just to let you know the hen died tonight i thought she was rallying she'd had some rescue remedy and water and was abit brighter but hubby came home and she was dead in her box in front of the aga...at least she had a chance and it has been a hard lesson to learn after 2 plus years of free ranging .... have ordered 4 siklies a white a blue a black and a partridge one and pick them up on tues..poor doris has been demented today on her own.so am signing off with a :( for losing my 2 little girls and a :D about my newbies!! thanks for the support this morn.

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So sorry to hear that you lost both girls - at least you gave her every chance of pulling through, and she was warm and comfortable by the aga. :(


I hope that the new girls will settle in quickly and Doris will assert her authority quickly so that the newbies know their place and she can relax.


Good luck with the integration


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thank you for all the kind words .... now am worrying about the silkie hens mixing with the old timer black rock Doris.... she was always queen bee and always abit of a cow but hope she won't harm the littleies!!!! :?


So sad to hear about you losing the chucks - good luck with the new ones. Was the Eglu and/or run locked? Can you elaborate on what state the Eglu was in? I'm really nervous now as there has been a fair bit of digging around my Eglu at night and now that Dotty (one of mine) has at last started laying super-size eggs I really don't want to lose her! Please can you let me know? Thanks, PLS

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just a note..


but my chook Tabatha have a massive chunk taken out of her chest.


I kept her in a large dark box for 3 days surrounded by towels, and lemonaide bottles filled with warm water.


then i kept her for 3 days in the bath (with the duck who also survived)


a week late they were both back to normal... that was nearly a year ago, and are both doing great!


I have found that Tabetha is a lot more cuddly now!

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dear all thanks for the continued replies just to let you know have picked up my 4 silkies and they are soo cute .... all snuggled in the eglu tonight and our black rock is in the house in a box to night and they all meet tomorrow am sure it will eb fine!!!! will keep ypu informed..

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