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Guest Poet

The Tennyson girls first proper free range outing! :0)

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Sorry about the lack of sound, not sure what the problem is but DH is working on it, my running commentary was wasted then! ;)



****edited links, now with sound as well as vision****




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They look as if they are having a lovely time Poet. Your two that don't have many feathers look just like my Cava, I feel so sorry for them at this time of year (thank goodness it is so mild) but they don't seem to mind the cold.



their little feather spikes are already poking thru and they have more downy feathers now. All we can do is make their coop and run nice and warm and sheltered and feed them up a bit :) They do seem to be enjoying themselves though ;) DH is rigging up a dust bath for them t'row in a shallow container with some soil and play sand.


Let us know how your girls are settling in. I was in your shoes 3 weeks ago and it's scary isn't it! :)


we only let them out today properly for the first time as we have a reasonably sized run and wanted them to get used to where home is and we also had to chicken proof the garden- notice the netting protecting the veggie patch at the end of the garden! :lol:


We're only letting them out when we are there and can keep an eye on them and what they get up to. They had half an hour today which is enough for their first foray into the unknown I think.

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i'm just in the process of uploading the same videos but with sound, you'll be able to hear their silly mummy calling them by name, like they know their names!!!!! :lol:


i'll let you know when they're done, i think it's more interesting with sound.

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have managed to get the sound working and have updated the links.



note to neighbours who complain about noisy chickens!!!! do you hear the neighbours dog? the airplane overhead and the train in the distance? But, can you hear much from my girls? I don't think so!!!! oh yeah, and that annoying woman whittering in the background is me :lol:


anyone who is having trouble from neighbours, try doing a video to show to the council?

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Aww, bless their little bald bums! I just had a proper look at the videos. Love the way that they walk carefully on the grass - all that new texture. They'll be dustbathing under those bushes when they work out what all that soil is for!


They'll soon be big, fluffy graceful chooks Poet. You'll have to pen a poem for them.

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hiya Clare


how was the bonfire do? Hope you enjoyed it.


Well, they've already been dustbathing in their run both in the soil and the hemcore and DH has bought a big shallow planter type thing which he's going to put a mixture of soil and play sand in for them and stick it somewhere in the border- he just hasn;t had time yet.


We didn't let them out today as it was too rainy :(



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Poet, you might find they quite enjoy freeranging in the rain! It's when all the best bugs and beasties are found! :lol:



yes but i wouldn't enjoy sitting out there with them, getting wet ;) Maybe when the 2 little ones get more feathers we might let them. Baby steps at the moment ;)

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