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Another school rant

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An update to the post I put on about security at school before the summer when I was talked down to by the DH about being concerned about the school hall side door being open when the weather was hot & all the children were in there.... the door was open to all & sundry to walk into as there was no fence between it & the open world. Remember they were getting air conditioning to address this problem?!

Well.... at playschool yesterday (which is on the school's premises) I was told by Ethan's teacher that the gate to the long school path which we use & leads to the local houses will now be locked at 9am by the caretaker as the DH has had a meeting about security- they are now being security concious :roll:

Children at school go in the building at 8.55 for a 9am start. Playschool starts at 9 & only opens its doors then. If the caretaker is going to lock the gate at 9 then that means I have an extra 10 minute walk home from the school main entrance gate, out onto the main road & then I actually walk past the path gate which will be locked... but so far has not been locked at 9, iyswim. I do this walk in reverse when I collect Ethan,. when I collect him I have to leave at 11.10 to get him, I would only have to leave at 11.20 if the path gate were unlocked, but I agree with school that it should be locked at picking up time for playschool during the day.

i'll have to see how this goes... there's no way I will be best pleased if I have to do a longer, inconvenient route in the depths of winter.

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When I read ...THIS... in the paper this morning I was astonished at the lack of security at this particular school, especially in the light of the dreadful news yesterday..... I mean they couldn't have had the permission of the head......could they?


And what sort of parent would consider this to be a suitable birthday present for a child....whatever the venue:?

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And what sort of parent would consider this to be a suitable birthday present for a child....whatever the venue:?


From what I understand reading this, the mother booked a different thing... there was supposed to be a person dressed as a gorilla coming to chase the boy around (not my idea of fun, but maybe there was a story to it).... apparently the agency booked it wrong and sent that woman instead... how on earth she was let in is the question!! And if there really is a mistake, imagine that mother's horror at the mix up!!!

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My main point was the lack of security in the school. :?


If it was done with the tacit approval of the school ( gorilla or stripper) ....and you have to wonder, as the "artiste" found her way to the classroom......what were they thinking of anyway....allowing valuable curriculum time to be wasted in this manner.

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My main point was the lack of security in the school. :?


If it was done with the tacit approval of the school ( gorilla or stripper) ....and you have to wonder, as the "artiste" found her way to the classroom......what were they thinking of anyway....allowing valuable curriculum time to be wasted in this manner.

and I suppose she wasn't searched for weapons before she was let into the school (drastic, I know)

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I couldn't help laughing at the stripper. My colleage retired in the summer and 3 days before he went he got called down to reception and there was a very pretty young WPC standing there. He went cold all over as he thought his friends had sent a stripper - he was actually relieved to find his 93 year old Aunt had died!

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