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No letting up yet!

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I'm still getting two a day from 'my' gingernuts, who must be about a year old now.


My adopted chickens, slightly older, have gone on strike, however! I was getting one egg between three of them every day, then one got broken and eaten :twisted: on Saturday, and since then - nothing! I put it down to the shorter days and colder weather.


If they were eating eggs, I'm assuming there would be some traces - I found a bit of shell in the nesting-box and some yolk in the poo tray on Saturday. They couldn't be eating an egg every day and leaving no sign, could they? :shock:

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I'm still getting two a day from 'my' gingernuts, who must be about a year old now.


My adopted chickens, slightly older, have gone on strike, however! I was getting one egg between three of them every day, then one got broken and eaten :twisted: on Saturday, and since then - nothing! I put it down to the shorter days and colder weather.


If they were eating eggs, I'm assuming there would be some traces - I found a bit of shell in the nesting-box and some yolk in the poo tray on Saturday. They couldn't be eating an egg every day and leaving no sign, could they? :shock:

Olly I adopted a GNR and PP who were a whole year older than mine. Mine are still laying but the older two stopped then moulted. Also one of them laid a few softies before stopping altogether, just as if everything were shutting down ready to moult. I wonder if your two will moult now? :?

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Well, there are a lot of ginger feathers in the run, I've noticed, although neither of them looks particularly different! I did wonder if a moult was coming on - also one of them looked as if she was going broody on Saturday, although she seemed to have got over it by Sunday


I think you might be right Snowy - perhaps they are moulting, I will observe closely and maybe pep up their diet a bit. To be honest, although I miss the eggs, I think it's probably good for them to have a rest.

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We get 2 a day - one off Rolo (black rock) & one off Bounty (magpie). Both a good size. They are both my newbie chooks from August this year. Smartie the leghorn started laying first, then has stopped, I presume for a winter break! :roll: The Older Omlet girls have either retired or stopped for Winter too, but they went thru bad moults too & have only just got back their feather jackets. Occasionally we get a weak shelled whopper off Audrey the gingernut, but it gets squashed or Rita pecks it!

I shall just see what happens in Spring & no matter what, I'll love them all the same!.

Got bantie eggs to look forward to as well, as picking up my chicks on Saturday.



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I seem to be doing well at the moment.

The three that have started laying do so every day, even the Brahma hasn't had a day off since she started laying!

I don't think any of the others will come into lay until next year - but I not complaining - everyone I see tends to get eggs thrust upon them at the moment :D



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