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Millet sprays and cuttlefish

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I'm sure I've seen something about this but can't find it now so sorry for asking again if its already around somewhere.

Is it OK to give millet sprays and cuttlefish bones that pet shops sell to chickens?

Just looking for something to hang up to give them a bit of interest. They don't like cabbage leaves or sprout tops and only like broccoli if it is well cooked and chopped up into a porrigy mix with some layers mash.

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I usually go to Tescos on a Saturday night and pick up their reduced bags of veg for my girls and scatter it over the floor of the run. Last night all they had at Tescos was whole lettuce. I was going to shred it but afer looking at Laura's post, I have just hung up a lettuce and it's swinging all over the place. Six ferocous looking chickens are shredding it themselves.

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They don't like cabbage leaves or sprout tops and only like broccoli if it is well cooked and chopped up into a porrigy mix with some layers mash.


eeek :shock: and I thought that our chickens were spoilt, when I give them weekabix with raisins :lol::lol:


I dont know about a omleteers cook book, we could probably put together a rather fantastic "chicken dinners cookbook - how to give the chooks fantastic dinners :lol: "




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Mine go :roll: at pretty much everything if it doesn't have dried mealworms in it! but I will keep trying to find things that will meet their high standards, so I think next time I am in the pet shop I will get them a millet spray and cuttlefish to try. Perhaps the wild birds will like it if they don't.

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I bought a cabbage once especially for my girls.... they just went :roll:


Oh dear :?

I always buy cabbages especially for my girls and bags of spinach, spring greens, corn on the cob, been shoots, sweetcorn, tuna, oats, millet sprays, brussel sprouts..............the list is endless!! :oops::oops:


Perhaps they are a litle too spoilt :roll:



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