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Whilst shepherds watched their chooks by night.....

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Our eagerly awaited arrival of our girls met with delay when the chookman called to say he would be running late. :( How late? Well 8pm late as it turned out to be. :x:x

So DH and I both clad in wellies thermals scarves hat and gloves patienly paced and waited.The run was secured, pegged and bouldered down for extra security- a neat polythene cover tied to act as waterproof shower cover over the run making it a drier area than has been of late.We were ready for the darlings to come home.

The chookman finally arrived with all three girls in tow.Our light sussex walked majestically into the run and the moment she entered the run she graced it with producing an enormous dropping! :) - she seems the dominant one,but far too early to tell. The cuckoo maran well she walked straight to the food bowl and water dish and proceeded to feed and peck.The fluffy blue orpington just pecked quietly and stared at the starry sky above :o

While they were adjusting we turned down the lights only to find they were planning on snuggling up together in the run outside for the night.Oh Noooo. Had to intervene don't know if we did the right thing but we gently placed them in the eglu via the eggport and left them with door locked to settle for the night.Hopefully they will find their own way to bed by tomorrow but I felt they needed to be safe and snug for the night.I think the light sussex ended up in the nesting area,shall check on them tomorow morning.

We need to name the girls soon,have some names in mind.. will post soon.. the babes have arrived safe and sound..

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The cuckoo maran well she walked straight to the food bowl and water dish and proceeded to feed


Thats so typical of a Maran....our maran is eggactly the same!! :lol:


Glad your chook man came, eventually. Bet you dont sleep tonight - you'll be so excited to see them in the morning in proper daylight!! :lol:

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yep, you did the right thing, they don't know where they are and are disorientated little stargazrers, you have to show them what's what and where! :)


loved your little story ;)

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Had to intervene don't know if we did the right thing but we gently placed them in the eglu via the eggport and left them with door locked to settle for the night.


Definitely the right thing to do.


You might have to repeat it for two or three nights till they get the hang of it.


Try shining a torch through the eggport....they are supposed to walk towards it.


Mine never did! :roll:

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Bit concerned this cold morning- Opened the eglu door around 15 mins ago for first time since their late arrival last night-tis a cold morning so was wondering when do they emerge for feeding normally this time of year?

Or will they need to be coaxed out of the coop as its their first night stay?

Didnt want to upset any fine balance so have left eglu door open with the run door closed.

Is it wise to open the eggport door at all later in day if they dont emerge?

Advice please to this newbie emu.


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Glad you have got your girls :D

I think that your girls will come out of the eglu today, but only when they are good & ready. You could tempt them out with some treats like sweetcorn which you put in the run. I'd leave them inside the run for a few days - perhaps let them out on Sunday?

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We open the eglu door around 7.45. They emerge quite slowly and seem half asleep and seem to take a while to wake up at this time of year. I expect your's are just a bit unsure given their big adventure yesterday.

Omlet advise not letting them free range for the first 5 or so days, so they get used to eglu and run as being their home, so I wouldn't open egg hatch.

I'd expect them to emerge when they're ready, but if they're not out by mid-day (say) you might want to coax them into the run with food (Chickens are food driven)


Good luck - enjoy - report back here - particualrly with photo's - we are all very nosey !!



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:lol::lol::D:D Oh wow! The light Sussex has just popped out of the eglu looking a bit tired but nevertheless has made her debut appearance! :)

I thinks she could be our Top Chook. And now within mins the other two are out too. Bliss I am happy now they have found the food and water

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Congratulations on your new chickens.


We got our chickens two weeks ago and went through exactly the same as you. We brought them home after dark and they stood around in their run not knowing what to do, that was when I first cursed the run for having such a small door, and the first morning they didn't seem keen on leaving the Eglu.



Our girls have now settled down, they come out and feed when we open the Eglu around 7am but they spend most of the morning inside the Eglu. In the afternoon they are much more active in their run.


This week we have been letting them out of the run into the garden. They seem to enjoy the freedom but never go far from the Eglu. For some reason they aren't keen on coming out of the run door but if we remove the egg hatch they hop straight out.


One thing I have noticed about our chickens is they seem happier to be outside their Eglu when we are around.

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