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Guest Poet

It fair gladdens the heart!

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just gone onto freecycle to give away a couple of our old acoustic guitars, the ones we both had as kids and have been in the loft for years! :)


And...I saw this...there's some lovely people in the world! My nose has gone all tingly!





I had a bad start to the year but a better finish and so have put

together a little food hamper that I would like to go to someone who is

otherwise looking at a very lean christmas. I would really like this

to go to someone who is genuinely facing a bleak season and could

genuinely do with the hamper. Please email me nominations and I'll

deliver it."

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I sent the person an e-mail to say I think it was a lovely thing they were doing and to wish them Merry Christmas! ;)


I hope our guitars go to someone deserving, I did specify I'd like them to go to someone genuinely interested in learning to play.


We gave away a coffee perculator (free catalogue gift that we didn't want) on freecycle to a couple who'd just had a baby and their coffee machine had broken.


We also gave away a nearly new budgie cage to a little girl who was getting her first budgie.


Also a bale of hay to another little girl who had a rabbit, we bought the hay for the chooks then found out it wasn't good for them.


Freecycle is brilliant and you can usually tell a genuine 'taker' as opposed to someone who's just going to stick what you give them on e-bay!


I've just responded to somoene who's giving away an ipod shuffle, I'd love one but can't afford one so wish me luck! ;)

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  Egluntine said:
Very thoughtful and generous. I do hope the recipient is deserving of it.


I hope so too but I think the offer of delivery will deter the freeloaders, or you'd hope it would.

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I received a delivery from a well known online bookshop that had been sent to the wrong recipient. The invoice inside was ours but the address label on the outside was another persons. The very kind gentleman opened the packaged, realised it belonged to us via the invoice and decided to forward it on to us as the contents looked like Christmas presents. This left him £4.75 out of pocket, for which we will reimburse him, but really made me realise that there are some really decent people out there! What a kind and thoughtful thing to do!


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just seen this on freecycle, a follow on from the above...


"Thank you to all who emailed to nominate people for this hamper and

thanks to all who e'mailed just to comment on what I'm doing. The

mails were lovely to read and really, REALLY boosted me. Hope you

all have a lovely Xmas and a bright New Year x"


glad I'm not the only one who mailed her :)


I'm getting inundated for the guitars! Wish I had one for everyone. This is going to be difficult as it's mainly people with kids who want them! :?

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  Poet said:
just seen this on freecycle, a follow on from the above...


"Thank you to all who emailed to nominate people for this hamper and

thanks to all who e'mailed just to comment on what I'm doing. The

mails were lovely to read and really, REALLY boosted me. Hope you

all have a lovely Xmas and a bright New Year x"


glad I'm not the only one who mailed her :)


That is really lovely P, I'm filling up reading all this! It is so nice that others have emailed her just to add their support to her generous gesture.

I do hope the hamper goes to a deserving cause :?:D

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I didn't know about freecycle until I read this post (where on earth have I been, it seems everyone else knows about it???), but I had used gumtree to give away unwanted things. My DH and I had got into a bad habit in the past of throwing things away or taking them to our local recycling centre, but recently when doing improvements to our house and replacing some furniture with new custom built stuff I decided the old stuff was still in way too good a state to just throw away, so gave this 'free give away' advertising thing a go, and was very pleased with it... I will definitely do that again, it was a lovely feeling each time to help people load stuff into their car and see their smile as they waved driving off...


I'm glad I found out about those websites, cause by next year I'll have a lot of baby things to give away when my little girl will have overgrown it, and after having had four babies I am finding it hard to let go of all the things, but giving them away like this will help make it a nice experience...

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