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chicken stock

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I assume knorr and oxo chicken stock and stock cubes is made from intensive chicken. I've changed to using veggie stock cubes but does anyone know if there is such a thing as free range chicken stock cubes?


We never eat whole chickens, we only buy free range breast meat, so I can't even make my own stock.

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Kallo stock cubes are organic, so I assume free range. Plus very tasty - much nicer than oxo! :D


maybe I should contact them ask about the free range bit, it doesn't necessarily follow that just cos they're fed an organic diet, that they live outside and are not packed into barn like sardines. :think:

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I tried looking for organic/free range chicken stock cubes last time I went shopping but our Asda only had knorr and oxo so I bought vegetable ones.


didn't think to check the organic only section so will do that next time i'm in :doh:

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Have just got back from Waitrose.


I bought these just for the pleasure of posting about it on the forum. 89p for 6.


Just Kidding....they will get used.





I want some!!!!

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If it is organic then it has to be free range..


care to elaborate Martin? I always thought organic referred to the diet, not the living conditions. Please enlighten me.

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This is open to such misinterpretation and confusion.


Surely if a hen has lived it's entire life in a barn, but has eaten nothing but organic food....it must be an organic hen.



On the other hand, a hen that free ranges from dawn till dusk but eats non organic pellet can't be described as organic.


No wonder the public are confused.

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I think to be labelled organic it needs to meet soil association requirements which include conditions on living arrangements as well as feed. If itws certified by the soil association then its free range.


Also if it is labelled organic it has to meet soil association requirements

regarding how the bird/animal is transported to the abbatoir or whatever.

Very strict rules.



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Kallo are available in Tesco - .


I've just been to Tesco in Elgin and picked up a box of Kallo stock cubes. I couldn't find anywhere on the packet where it said free range :? so I put it back on the shelves.


I am very :oops::oops: to say that I have been buying OXO chicken stock cubes even though I only buy free range chicken.

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