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Carol Vorderman, what a joke!

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one mintue she's on TV advertising cheap, rubbishy food for Farmfoods (including a mention for Bernard Matthews grrr).


Now she's on 'This Morning' plugging her new book about healthy eating!


what a hypocrite.

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Or advertising for the despicable First Plus who's second mortgage secured loan products are some of the worst in the industry :shock:





i was going to say that too! I thought she was an intelligent woman, she's just a money grabber. Makes me sick.

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She has no dress sense though :shock:


It was either Friday or Monday on Countdown she was wearing the most awful dress far too short and it had spots at the top and bottom and a kind of swirl thing going on in the middle mad me feel ill to watch it moving it was beige and black very nasty :?

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She has no dress sense though :shock:


It was either Friday or Monday on Countdown she was wearing the most awful dress far too short and it had spots at the top and bottom and a kind of swirl thing going on in the middle mad me feel ill to watch it moving it was beige and black very nasty :?


She always looks awful. You're absolutely right. She got a third in her first degree - so not all that bright! But when I saw her on 'Who do you think you are?' (I wasn't looking forward to hers!) she came across really well. She seemed pleasant and friendly, but ordinary.

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She has no dress sense though :shock:


It was either Friday or Monday on Countdown she was wearing the most awful dress far too short and it had spots at the top and bottom and a kind of swirl thing going on in the middle mad me feel ill to watch it moving it was beige and black very nasty :?


Hideous wasn't it!


And those hair extensions! :roll:

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Didn't she get the sack from Tomorrow's World years ago for being in a Persil ad? They didn't like the idea that the association might make her appear like a scientist endorsing the washing powder. I definitely agree over the First Plus thing - I could never endorse products like that (in the unlikely event that anyone would want me too!)


I did think she came across well in the episode of Who Do You Think You Are though. Seemed quite normal really.

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..when I saw her on 'Who do you think you are?' (I wasn't looking forward to hers!) she came across really well. She seemed pleasant and friendly, but ordinary.[/color]


I was about to say the same Ginette. I guess this was the real Carol we saw, although I still thought her dress sense was a bit off. That white flowing thing - I don't think suited her at all. I think she dresses a bit too young for her age.


She must have got caught up in the 'sleb hype' to dress and look the way she does on TV. I wonder why she chose to do those ad's. She can't possibly need the money with all her book sales and regular TV work?


I especially hate the celeb's who get roped into doing the Tesco ad's. And Morrisons for that matter.


There's someone else we were talking abouot the other night who has sold his soul to the devil and done a really unethical ad - can't think who now....




Edit - I've remembered. George Clooney. He was spotted in a Nestle advert in one of the newpaper suppliments. It really surprised us, as he's known for his ethical political beliefs.

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it does beggar belief doesn't it?! If I was famous, there's no way I would sacrifice my principles for money and if I were asked to do an ad, I'd research the product first.

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Apparently there is a huge amount of money to be made in voice over ads.


Indeed there is. My lovely next door but one neighbour is an 'actor' :roll: he does loads of voice overs and appearing in ads. he gets a lot of money for doing it, he says it is so much better paid than theatre work, he also gets royalties every time they repeat the ad. He played Colonel Locket in the Lockets ads a couple of years ago, he virtually paid off his mortgage and had a fancy new conservatory built :shock::shock:



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as if ms vordaman goes anywhere near farm foods. What is she like.... :roll:

Perhaps they should get in touch with Hayley from Chicken run and ask her if she wants to star in their next ad.



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