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How high can a chicken jump?

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I'm considering getting a couple of chooks and am pondering how they can peacefully co-habit a small garden with a range of veggies. My plan so far is to put a few gro-bags in a gated section of the garden, the gate being about 1m high and moving my pots up onto a garden table about 70cm high.


My concern is that the chooks will just vault the gate and jump up onto the table, especially given the motivation of tasty young shoots! Are my concerns justified??

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It would depend on the type of chicken you get. I have some that will happily fly ofer a 5ft fence, but others that struggle to get ground clearance. Of course wing clipping is an option for the more able flyers so you should be fine. chickens tend to like to stay in their own familier area anyway, I have a gate leading off down my drive which just about all my girls could jump if they wanted to, but they stay in their area.

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Often its the bigger breeds that require the least space as they are lazy! So Brahams and Cochins could still be an option (more so if you opted for a cube than an eglu) Or Miniture Orpingtons, Pekins and Japanise dont tend to be flyers, plus they dont ravage the garden as much as they have either short or feathered legs.

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Hi, I have two gingernut rangers and a miss pepperpot and they don't seem inclined to jump at all. I have a three foot wrought iron gate separating the grass area from the patio and they have not attempted to jump over it. They queue up the other side of the gate and wait till I open it and then they make a dash for the kitchen for some treats and a drink out of the dogs bowl.

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I have 2 omlet gingernuts and they are quite capable of jumping and flying - however they are just too lazy. I have a 3 ft picket fence that they can get over and under - however they cannot be bothered and as long as there is lots to peck at and keep them interested mine show little interest in the outside world - especially at this time of year - in the summer they have more of a wander lust!! and have managed to cross the High Street and invade my elderly neighbours garden across the road!!! :oops:

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the way to stop them getting somewhere is to make sure that they cant see anyting stable to jump onto, so if the fence posts are pointed at the top they probably wont try to jump up onto them, this worked with my chooks as one kept jumping onto the gate so i covered the top of it in broken branches and leaves and she never tried to get onto it again

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On the other end of the scale you could get fancy birds like Silkies which can't fly at all (and look ridiculous! :lol: ) and Polands, ditto exepct they look like Big Bird from Sesame Street! Out light Sussex bantam hsa never tried to fly either, personally I'd go for the big fluffy knickered girls, they're lurvely! You'll have to be strong though, otherwise you'll try to get them then see all these lovely breeds and flgith ability will go straight out the window!


Mrs Bertie

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Not long after I had my three I found all of them sitting on my six foot fence and by the time I hunted round for something to stand as I am only 5ft 4 one had leaped on to next door shed :shock:


I managed to get the two off no problem but had to bribe the other one to come to me with handful of corn, cheeky madam.


That experience scared the life out of me, it took me ages stop worry about going over to next door garden but I have feeling they didn't enjoy the whole experience either as they have not tried it since either that or they no which side the corns on :lol:

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