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Guest Poet

I'm shocked but very happy! **UPDATE END OF P1**

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just rang a Thai restaurant to book a meal for hubbie's b'day and I asked them if their eggs were free range. I was going to go for the veggie option but wanted to check the eggs because of the tempura batter etc.


So, anyway, I asked the question and the guy said no but he also asked me if this was important to me. I explained about our girls and that it was extremely important to us and he said he would order some free range eggs in just for us and he would make sure that anything made for us was made with the free range eggs!


He went on to say that all their chicken meat was free range but not the eggs.


We're going to take a couple of photos with us on the night and have a little chat with him, he seemed really nice and interested in our girls so you never know, hopefully we can convert him! ;)


If not, it's nice to see that a restaurant cares enough to cater for the individual requirements of its customers. Just goes to show how important it is to ask that all important question! :D

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Well done Poet and well done to the restasurant for caring enought o ask and be open to change.

Does anyone one know about Turkey's? Are they kept the same way as chickens? We went out last week I asked if the turkey was free range they didn't know so I assumed it wasn't and had beef instead. Just wondering what the deal was?



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well, we've just got back- had a table booked for 9pm and didn't leave till 11.50pm! You'd have thought we were some sort of VIPs!


We were treated so well by the waiters and waitresses who were all asking about our girls and the owner, Mike (who I'd talked to on the phone) came over at the end of our meal to have a chat and look at the photos of our girls.


Turns out he's a very ethical chap anyway (he mentioned some sort of water saving system they'd had installed in their loos and that their menus were printed on recycled paper and that he's trying to source biodegradable cartons for their take away meals etc etc) and has been thinking about going down the free range route for a while, some of the chicken they use is free range from a farm in Alderley Edge but they can't get enough from there so they get some from a farm with ndoor reared birds but higher standard. However, their eggs were not free range but he's going to speak to his suppliers on Monday about going free range!


He wants me to keep in touch and he's kept the photos of the girls AND he gave us a free dessert. Banana fritters, made with the free range eggs he bought in for us!


He was so nice and genuinely cared. I told him that once he's gone free range I'd get him added to the BHWT list of ethical places to eat.


So, how's about that then! :D

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Does anyone one know about Turkey's? Are they kept the same way as chickens? We went out last week I asked if the turkey was free range they didn't know so I assumed it wasn't and had beef instead. Just wondering what the deal was?




I'm afraid so :(


"Intensive Turkey Rearing Many people don’t realise that a large number of turkeys sold in Britain are reared just like broiler chickens, says Leah Garces, from Compassion in World Farming. She says that intensively reared turkeys live in dimly lit windowless sheds with as many as 25,000 other birds. And as they grow bigger they have less space between them."



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thanks :D he was lovely, he even gave us the address of the Asian supermarket where they get their supplies as I'd expressed an interest in trying some dishes myself. He also gave us some of their home made chilli dipping sauce in a little carton to take home!


Next time I'm in Lark Lane, which should be soon as I need to take some cards to that gallery (the restaurant was 'Chilli Banana' on Lark Lane by the way http://www.chillibanana.co.uk/content/liverpool) I'm taking him some of my cards and will pop in to say hello. Might take him some of our girls eggs too, for his own consumption obviously :D If I had a bigger flock, I might offer to supply him ;)

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If I had a bigger flock, I might offer to supply him ;)

That sound like as good a reason as any to get loads more girls :lol::lol:


He deserves to succeed. Wouldn't it be wonderful if he could open a chain of restaurants across the country


trust me, if we had the room, I'd have a massive flock! :D

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