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complete novice

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Hello all

I am a city girl who has moved to a small town. I have bought an eglu and 2 chickens which are arriving quicker than expected on Monday!!

I am very nervous, have I made a terrible mistake?

Thay will have to share my small garden with my 2 sons aged 2 and 9. Do you think the chickens will tolerate the odd game of football?

Is there anybody who lives near me in North Wiltshire?




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I don't live near you but I was born and brought up in Liverpool and so I am a city girl as well. You will soon find that you take to checking chickens bums and feet with alarming ease and you'll be wading out in all weathers in your pjs to feed and water them.

I was worried too and felt petrified at the thought of being responsible for the hens. You'll be as mad as the rest of us before you know it.

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Welcome to the forum and im so glad you have posted your concerns on here :D


Firstly im positive that almost every single user on here was nervous when they first got their chickens so that is perfectly normal :lol:


The chooks should settle in well and will love the attention from yourself and the children, its best to handle them once they have gone to bed as they are quite sleepy then and easier to get hold of :D


As for football - they may even join in! :lol:

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Worrying is OK......


I excitedly reasearched getting chickens, spent ages reading this forum and then took the plunge. Once on order, I too wondered if I'd done the right thing. I also spent the 1st month worrying if I was doing the right things when looking after them. It's a bit like having children all over again. You learn on the job, post lots of questions on this forum (however silly you think they are), and your chicken keeping confidence grows. 9 months down the line I still love it and I still read this forum and pick up loads of useful info. You'll be addicted once they arrive..........

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Don't panic.If you have room for the Eglu you have room for chickens.Your kids will be so excited especially when they find the first egg.

They are very easy to look after,will follow you around the garden and chatter back to you when you talk to them.And to cap it all they take themselves off to bed with no arguments!


Enjoy your girls :D:D

(green eglu) Mavis PP




Ps.Let us know how it goes.

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Hi- I know how you feel (I've had my chickens for 2 weeks now) and a few times in the first few days the responsibility hit me and I thought oh no what if they're ill, how will I know, what if I don't look after them properly etc etc but I am so happy I have them, and they are really responding to me seeing as I'm the one who tends to feed them and they are becoming friendlier and sweeter by the day :)


As for football, well mine were playing cricket with my children at the weekend- they thought it was hilarious- they were chasing after the ball and really joining in- they (the chickens) just love it when we are out in the garden cos they are so inquisitive.


You won't regret it- and this forum is brilliant for asking any and I mean ANY queries- there is always someone with a good sensible answer.

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Don't panic and ask as many questions as you need to. my Children adore the chickens and very happily share the garden with them. Wait till you hear cries of "Mummy, they've laid an egg!" My 6 year still gets incredibly excited each morning!

If you do have problems there are plenty of people on here who can help and reassure. Good luck and let us know how you get on.

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Welcome to the forum :D


It can seem daunting to begin with, but honestly chickens are SO easy to look after, they adapt easily so they will fit in with your children/family etc. Mine dont take any notice of what is going on around the garden.


Ask any questions, we will all try to help.


Remember, we were all novices once....and we all managed!!


Sit back, relax and enjoy would be my advice.


Chickens bring a smile to your face :D

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Welcome to the forum, and don't worry! I know exactly how you're feeling. When I ordered my eglu and first two hens I rang and cancelled twice as I was in such a state about it all! Now I've just enlarged my little flock and wouldn't be without them for anything. Ask anything you need on the forum - we've all been there. Best wishes.

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a year ago I was in exactly the same position - Eglu on order and thinking 'help! what have I done!' I have not looked back, in fact I soon realised two hens were not enough ... the Eglu should come with a health warning.


Do bear in mind that a lot of the posts on here, especially in 'Chicken Clinic' are from people who've got a problem - but actually, problems are fairly rare and most of us just enjoy keeping chickens, collecting eggs and having friendly feathered friends in the garden. I spent the first six weeks absolutely convinced that I would kill the hens through neglect, but hey - nearly a year on, and they are still with me!


You'll get lots of advice on here, ask anything - and do take lots of pictures when they arrive. :)

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Hello catherine and welcome to the forum!


Nerves are understandable but keeping chickens is the best thing you will ever do (probably :wink:)


I don't live a million miles away from you. I'm 20 minutes south of Marlborough.


AnnieP is also quite close near to Pewsey!


Any questions please ask away!




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out of the many million different animals i have kept in my life i can tell you that our hens have given us one of the most and greatest pleasures..i envy you for having such small children, oh i wish ours were still small and could have had the joy of the fresh eggs and just the company of the hens.

you wont regret it they are easy peasey, and everyone will be round visiting you and seeing them, especially your childrens friends.. :D

have fun!

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  Olly said:

Do bear in mind that a lot of the posts on here, especially in 'Chicken Clinic' are from people who've got a problem


True - I've hardly posted in the last year because the chickens were fine and I was busy with other projects. Recently I lost a hen and needed companions for the lone survivor, so I'm back here extending and brushing up my knowledge!

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Hi Catherine. Welcome to the forum.


I think most of us first-time-chicken-owners go through the whole "have I done the right thing?" moment. Don't worry. You won't regret it, especially not once you've tasted those lovely eggs! :)


The forum is brilliant for advice, and there is nothing that someone can't suggest a solution to.


Enjoy your new arrivals and do post pics!


Lin XX

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