Richard Posted February 2, 2008 Share Posted February 2, 2008 Hi; remember me? I've been busy recently so haven't been around the forum. Things have been going pretty well with the girls and the flock was managing well. Then Georgie came out of her moult and suddenly decided to move from her studio coop for one (which she'd live in since all the new girls came along with their brand new Cube early last year) and a few days later she started laying again. Then life got difficult. She got more and more aggressive towards the others. A couple of weeks ago sometimes when one of the others went into the Cube to lay, Georgie went in and pecked them until they had to go out of the Cube. We got to the state that I had a flock of chickens moving round the garden, running scared whenever Georgie went anywhere near them - and when I went to let them out of the Cube in the morning it was Bedlam with Georgie giving them all hell inside the Cube; when I opened the door they all piled out and scattered to get out of her way. She started doing some serious bullying today - jumping on top of Arrietty and pecking her really badly. So, rightly or wrongly, I decided that, Georgie had to go. I've been told off on the forum before for calling her Evil Georgie - but she has been a nasty hen for most of her >4 years with us. We've put it down as her being a 'character' and have really tried hard to put up with her bullying and devious ways and we've loved her all the same. But I'm afraid when she started roughing up the younger hens seriously (I don't mind normal pecking order stuff, and a bit of aggro to establish a position in the hierachy) I decided enough was enough. It was a very sad decision to make, but I have to say the flock is so happy now its untrue. For the first time in months they have sat down all together under the tree and relaxed together instead of darting around nervously avoiding Georgie. She was one of our first two hens, a Pepperpot from Omlet over 4 years ago, and I'm sad that we have neither of them with us now, but we have a lovely bunch of girls and we are moving on. Thanks for reading another of my rambles. Georgie on a happier day. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lisa33 Posted February 2, 2008 Share Posted February 2, 2008 I was wondering where you had got to. It's a shame about Georgie, but sometimes decisions have to be made. I'm glad all your girls are happier. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
nicki9 Posted February 2, 2008 Share Posted February 2, 2008 Sorry to hear about Georgie, she always seemed such a character. I'm glad the others are happy now though Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mrs Frugal Posted February 2, 2008 Share Posted February 2, 2008 Oh dear, Richard. I'm sorry about Georgie but if the others are happy as a result, it was the right decision to make. It's hard when one is upsetting the applecart so much that it's stressful for the others. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rona Posted February 2, 2008 Share Posted February 2, 2008 Sorry about Georgie. Sounds like she might have had something wrong with her. Shame as she was good looking bird but sometimes tough decisions have to be made for the good of the rest. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Egluntyne Posted February 2, 2008 Share Posted February 2, 2008 Nice to see you back. You have made the right decision I'm sure. Georgie can't have been happy as things were, and it is lovely to hear that all is peaceful now. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cinnamon Posted February 2, 2008 Share Posted February 2, 2008 Hard decision to make,but it sounds like the right one to me. She must have been an unhappy hen to be so vile to the others - lets hope harmony reigns for your flock now Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Snowy Posted February 2, 2008 Share Posted February 2, 2008 Welcome back Richard. Sorry to hear about Georgie - but the best decision was made. Lovable on her own but a rogue with others Glad to hear the others are happier now. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
chickenlass Posted February 2, 2008 Share Posted February 2, 2008 Not an easy decision to make I'm sure. Sounds as if you gave her every chance though. RIP Georgie Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
little chickadee Posted February 2, 2008 Share Posted February 2, 2008 Sorry to hear about that Richard - I was wondering where you were too. Nice to have a bit of Bah Humbug around Hope that the rest of your flock are happier now and that you will hang around and bring some cheer on the forum!!!!!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ain't Nobody Here Posted February 2, 2008 Share Posted February 2, 2008 Nice to have you back, Richard - it's been far too jolly and happy on here recently . Sorry to hear about Georgie but you had to think about the welfare of the others. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bronze Posted February 2, 2008 Share Posted February 2, 2008 I'm sorry Georgie had to go. I hope you can enjoy your newly chilled out girls even more now. good to have you back Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Karen & co. Posted February 2, 2008 Share Posted February 2, 2008 I'm sorry Georgie has had to go, but glad too that your flock seem to be much happier now Enjoy your chooks. Karen x Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
emu Posted February 2, 2008 Share Posted February 2, 2008 Glad to hear from you again- Sorry to hear about Georgie.I can only imagine it to be too distressing when it upsets the other members of the flock. We dont seem to have any major problems regarding the hierarchy business. Matti is still top chook and is laying,but bless her allows the others to feed at treat time without too much fuss.I tend to have to watch for Bunty who is a bit of a nervous chook really. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Goosey Lucy Posted February 2, 2008 Share Posted February 2, 2008 Sorry to hear about Georgie but it sounds as though you'd done everything you could. Hopefully your flock will give you lots of happy eggs from now on. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...