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does anyone have bluebells ?

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need to know some info before we make a decision


what do they look like, are they light medium or heavy, how many eggs could we expect/year and what colour are the eggs ?


have found another place near us (in Crickhowell) that sell lots of breeds...



Black Rock


Light Sussex

Road Island Red




I've been able to find info on all but the Bluebells :?


also, is it sensible/feasible to mix heavy and medium breeds and how many would be comfortable in an Eglu ?



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I have one Bluebelle. She is a mixture of dark and light grey and I think you would say she is a medium breed. Not sure how many eggs she laid last year, but she produced eggs most days throught the summer months and lays 4 or 5 a week at the moment. Her eggs are are a pale cream colour. She is very friendly, doesn't mind being picked up and gets on very well with the 2 ISA browns who live with her. (unless they are chasing after a grape!)


Hope this helps

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I have a bluebelle (see my photos) She is in the middle of the pecking order and seems reasonably friendly, especially now she is laying.

She has laid an egg every day since she came into lay. They are lighter than my other hen's eggs and sort of tinted (pinkyish!)

She is the one my 6 year old chose, hence the name "Buck Buck Baaark"!

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We have had a Blue Belle - pretty hen & a good layer.

I had no problems mixing her as a larger hen with skinnier types.....

She will provide you with year round eggs as she is a hybrid - some of the others in your list are pur breeds so will not lay over winter.

If eggs are important to you,I would get a couple of hybrids for your flock :D

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I had a bluebelle with 2 bantams and she was actually bottom of the pecking order!


She came into lay early January and laid every day up until I had to rehome her :( Pretty sure they are consistent layers from what I've heard and shouldn't go broody at all. Mine was actually pretty big though, I'd say only a tiny bit smaller than my sisters Brahma! (unless it is just a small Brahma :roll: )

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My bluebell was lovely, but very fat, and got sour crop quite a bit. She died unexpectedly young as well. She didn't really lay all that well either.


actually, that wasn't a very positive list was it. She was beautiful though, and I'm sure I just got a duff one. The place she came from wasn't very good, and both girls died young.

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thank you to everyone for the very mixed replies :clap:


I think we may go for 1 of each, Black Rock, Light Sussex and Bluebelle just so the children can tell them apart easily... although SWMBO is prone to changing her mind at any moment :lol:


we're also considerring the Maran because their eggs are a nice colour... who knows what will happen by the time we get to there :)


thanks again

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I have a bluebelle and had one before. They are very friendly, both were top of the pecking order but still not bullies. They are I think the biggest of the hybrids and nice and fluffy. My big girl now is as big as my Brahma. Eggs are a bit smaller than most hybrids though and she has 1 maybe 2 days off a week as did my last one. Very good temprement easy to handle girls.

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WE have a Blck Rock, a Bluebell and a Speckldy. Maddy the Bluebelle is the boss but she's not nasty about it. She easily the most placid with us and whilst a medium not big breed she does remind me of a slightly portly maiden aunt, with her fluffy bloomers. She's been a good layer for the 3 years we've had her but I can't comment of how she lays at the mo as they are all on strike

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I got a blackrock. light sussex and a bluebelle two weeks ago - so a good choice. The bluebelle has been the firendliest from the start, I could hand feed and stroke her in a couple of days. Very pretty grey with black edging on feathers. On the egg states they were sold as blackrock 300+ 1st year, Light Sussex - 260+ and the bluebelle 250+


I hope you enjoy them - of mine the blackrock thinks she is in charge and the light sussesxes is the one most likely to get stressy if she gets separated (she can not work out why she needs to walk to the door to get out of the run!)



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