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Tessa the Duchess

Morning sickness solutions

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I suffered terribly both this time, and when I had Caitlin. Resorted to a supper of weetabix, with skimmed milk and banana, as recommended by the midwife, about an hour before bedtime, then a mug of ginger tea and a slice of dry toast, before i could even face getting up in the morning. Ginger tea through-out the day, along with Boots travel-sickness bands, seemed to ward off the worst of it, and I was told to make myself eat something - a small biscuit (I found an oatcake with hummus did the trick) or a b it of fruit, if I started to feel sick during the day.


It really is rotton, and can really take the shine off of a new pregnancy, so she has my every sympathy. I felt awful until about week 15, but the upside of it all is that I have only put 2lbs on so far this pregnancy, with only a few weeks left to go, because the sickness really made me stop and consider everything that was going in my mouth. I still have queezy days now, but nothing as bad a s it was for the first few months! :vom:

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Thanks for your tips Shona :) Sounds like eating little and often is a good thing. Also the ginger tea makes complete sense, ginger being v.good for upset stomachs. I have some travel bands somewhere I will dig them out and give them to her. Could you tell me on which part of the wrist the little button goes on, 'cos I think I've lost the instructions :roll: If I get any more tips I will make a list for her and she can work her way through and see what works for her.



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The little button goes on the underside of the wrist, on the pulse points. Another thing for her to consider is that, if you don't drink enough fluids, that can contribute to the sick feeling lingering all day, so she needs to make sure that she is drinking enough water.


And avoid smelly people - i threw up on the path coming up from school one day, after a particular smelly teen walked passed, wafting a hideous air of BO around him....

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I only discovered Seabands with my third pregnancy. They do help, I'm convinced of it.


I didn't know about ginger tea, but I ate loads of gingernut biscuits and nibbled bits of stem ginger as advised by an elderley neighbour. I am sure this helped too.


It is a truly debilitating feeling, quite unlike any other sort of nausea, and totally incomprehensible to those who haven't experienced it!


I hope she finds something that works for her.

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And avoid smelly people - i threw up on the path coming up from school one day, after a particular smelly teen walked passed, wafting a hideous air of BO around him....


:D:D My son is a landscape gardener and does manual work all day, he comes home sometimes smelling like an entire rugby team after a game :vom::vom: I will direct him to the shower and lock him in :) Thanks for the button directions and the tip about drinking loads.



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Don't let her drink raspberry leaf tea unless she is 37 weeks plus pregnant.It's used to strengthen the uterus muscles & can bring on an early labour if used before this time.

But the good news with it is that it helps for a better labour ( supposedly!)

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I was about to say the same about the raspberry tea,


I ate lots of gingernuts ( :shock: The biscuit not he chicken!!! :D:D ) and this really worked.


Also I avoided Orange juice as that made the sickness eve worse for me.


Mine subsided after the 3rd trimester but kicked in again towards the end.


Tell to her enjoy early nights and putting her feet up too while she still can

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Oh i really feel for her.


I had hyperemises [real bad morning sickness with seth] ended up in hospital on a drip for 3 weeks.


I found nothing really helped, except for eating tiny amounts every so often.


Its the worst feel every. I remember when i was about 8 weeks lying in bed and feeling like i was on a boat.

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i think you need to take care with some herbal teas as some ingredients have been suggested to contribute to problems with pregnancy. i used to drink alot until i saw an article about it in a baby mag a few years ago when i was pregnant with my first and i stayed away from them, unless they were recommended, just incase. i couldnt tell you what the bad ingredients were but you might be able to find something about it on the internet.


bananas before bed were also great to feel better in the morning and loads of fluids in small doses, avoiding anything to acidic and scram eggs helps with sickness.


oh and perfume used to make me really queesy.

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Don't let her drink raspberry leaf tea unless she is 37 weeks plus pregnant.It's used to strengthen the uterus muscles & can bring on an early labour if used before this time.

But the good news with it is that it helps for a better labour ( supposedly!)


Agree with Jules not before 37 weeks - I took it 2 days before Leo arrived, if it did give me a better labour then I'd be amazed as 19 hours of full on contractions from the word go was awful (maybe if I didn't have the tea it would have been even longer!)


I lived on lucazade as I needed the energy, and couldn't stomach anything else - I was never sick though just felt dreadful all day! Oh, and Accupunture really helped!

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I agree with the ginger, it's great for sickness (whether pregnancy related or not) and the seabands. Flat coke is apparently good as well, but it has to be the normal variety, rather than the diet version. I have to admit I'm not very keen on coke personally, especially not the full sugar type, so I've never tried this as a remedy myself, but I do know of several people who swear by it.

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Ginger got me through too. Only thing I found that worker. Hated the taste of the stuff. And the sickness would always suddenly creep up on me. I would be walking around fine than suddenly feel I was going to be sick everywhere. I carried a small tub of crystallised ginger round with me and gnawed on a bit if I felt I was going to be sick and it passed imediatly.

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I found eating toast and toasted teacakes and plain biscuits little and often helped, it is not much fun. One of the things that I resented most when i had a miscarriage was that I had gone through morning sickness for nothing because with me it used to last all day every day :(


I took raspberry leaf tea from 37 weeks until all of mine were born and I had 3 straightforward quick labours, it's worth a try when she comes to that stage. I'll never know whether it helped or not but it didn't do any harm.

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The instructions I have for 'seabands' are that the 'buttons' should be in line with the pinkie (not the pulse points), and about an inch from the wrist.

Raspberry leaf tablets/tea should not be taken before 34 weeks - I took it from 34 weeks onwards and had 3 labours at 35-37 weeks lasting 2-6 hours :D .

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i remember that the buttons had to be placed centrally, three fingers width from the writs joint. :lol:


The certainly took the edge off the nausea....and if I felt it worsening , the instructions were to massage the buttons on the area for a minute or two...and it did help a bit.


Incidentally, the do ease travel sickness too. :lol:

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