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Our first chicken loss

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Hi there, some of you may have read that Sharon one of our adoptive Polands has been ill. Just an update to say she died a short while ago. I still don't know what was wrong, she went downhill over the last couple of days and has spent the day inside in a Tescos crate of bedding and straw. I wondered if she'd had some sort of stroke or something was wrong with her eyes because despite her haircut she kept bumping into things and didn't seem to be able to find food right in front of her. But I don't think she was in pain, she just roosted in the crate went to sleep and that was it. The kids are going to be sad in the morning but I did kind of prepare them that it might happen, she obviously wasn't well and I know chooks can't sustain no food or water for very long and she was quite little. So there you go, it's a shame because she should have had a few years ahead of her yet but that's Mother Nature for you


Bye bye Shazza you silly chicken with your daft rushing around, we will miss you


Mrs Bertie

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Thanks everyone, I think Linda (Dancing Gal) was more upset than my girl - she's the lady we got them from. My great uncle and the girls great great uncle was cremated on Wednesday so the girls have been thinking about death a fair bit this week, our attitude is that it is part of life so they came to the uncles cremation with me and therefore had already found a way to deal with death. They reckon Sharon is scratching around in chicken heaven, and if that's what they think then that's fine with me, death is all part of the cycle of life, she's not in pain or discomfort any more and we did what we could for her.


Mrs Bertie

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