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Guest revnev

nowt dramatic, but....

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I never cease to be amazed at how these girls who have never seen grass before in their lives - and never been able to scratch anything - look so at home so quickly..


this is them after 4 days of freedom - but they were doing this on day one...


chooks are amazing...





Phil 8)

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Is weird - I would never have thought as a grown women, I would be downloading videos and pics of chickens 'doing their thang' :oops:

but do you know I can't wait till mine arrive and I can spend allday just watching the pecking and listening to the bok bok :lol: :lol: :lol:



I'm amazed they are only 4 days out the battery systems - I pick up our 5 rescue chooks March 28th and I'm counting down like a kid b4 christmas -



soooooooooooooooooo xcited :P



(cube purple):whistle::whistle::whistle::whistle::whistle:

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They look very happy, Phil! :)


The sad thing is that they don't need to learn how to scratch or do the "chicken dance" - it's instinctive. Which means they knew how to do it all along but were prevented by the horrible conditions they were kept in. No wonder they pull their feathers out from boredom!

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