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Guest Penguinmad

Finally let the house - money coming in again

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At last I've got the other house let to new tenants. We've spent the last month and a bit cleaning up after evicting the last lot and I've had a few rooms decorated. Oh and I had a new bathroom put in - I was planning to do that anyway as some of the wall tiles were loose but there was also NO WAY I was scrubbing the old toilet!


I've let it to a nice young couple with a year old son and another baby on the way. He already asked if he can decorate the small room in pink (I didn't get this room decorated) if he returns it to neutral when they leave, he also asked if he could put blinds up at the windows. I have a good feeling about them. They did need to have a guarantor but their points were dead close to not needing one (he gets paid at least half his salary on commission).


I just hope they want to stay a long time, I think they will.

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having time on my hands at the moment so spend a lot of time on the forum but have got lots of bits done, reading this thread reminded me to chase up my letting agent. I kept my own house when OH & I got married, just realised that the rent has not been reviewed for 13 years!!! So I've spoken to the agent today about gradually increasing the rent to bring it up over the next 12 months to a reasonable amount. I'm too soft my tenants have been there for 10 years & brought up a young family, I dont want to lose them but I think they've had a good deal for a long time

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