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Guest Penguinmad


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Well James and I are off to do this Sunday - fingers crossed all that the weather picks up! I don't want to spend my birthday freezing cold, soaking wet dragging a 5 year old around Maldon. Its supposed to be fun!


I'm going to try and run for half of it - James likes a run so we will have a shot.


2 years ago Mum thought I shouldn't do Race for Life in case I had a heart attack - now I've gone from Morbidly Obese to plain Obese and I'm actually bordering on "Overweight"!!!

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We are holding a staff V student football match in school. £1 to play or watch.


I am watching, although it may be safer for me to play :?


Last time i watched football i was hit in the side of the head with the ball and was knocked out! :roll:

I can laugh about it now! :lol::lol::lol: Not a great birthday present though! :roll:


Good luck to everyone running at the weekend :D

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ha - a load of my kids did it on the treadmills in the school gym. I wish I'd gone for that option - I've a treadmill about 4ft away from where I'm sitting now, in the warm and the dry. I'll try and post piccies but the anti chicken isn't very good at taking them!

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The children at Dan's school did it today - 3 times round the playing field is a mile. I went over to watch. Dan is in reception so his class set off first, followed at intervals by years 1 and 2. By the time he came to the end of his third lap he was so far ahead of the rest of his class, they hadn't put the finish line out :? I shouted at him to stop but he didn't hear me and shot off to do a fourth lap. Teachers then put the finish line out and I watched gobsmacked as they congratulated the next reception class runner for being first over the line. Meanwhile, Dan was halfway through his fourth lap. He finally came in about the middle of his class :roll::roll::roll:


I always knew the boy loved running, but blimey! :lol::lol:

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Well we did it and BOY was it cold. There was an ICY wind blowing across the river at us and it was raining the whole time. James did enjoy it though and didn't moan about the cold too much. We did it in about 15 mins, he didn't want to run as much as I did, and when he did he kept running under my feet. Oh and I had to wear my old waterproof coat which is MILES too big for me as it was the only one I had. So not flattering piccies! And I'm wearing a bum bag under that coat - I haven't developed a beer belly! Oh as for how wet it was, notice we dont' have any numbers on by the end - they all got wet and came off.


Here we are at the beginning



During - see the wind and how open the site is!



And at the end



Had to work hard to find the pictures with our heads in - the anti-chicken is not much of a photographer!

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