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Don't worry, I've tried all the green things they are supposed to like, cabbage, broccoli, grapes, cucumber - they dont like any of them! :shock:


Mine are not laying yet and apparently their tastes change when they come into lay but at the mo mine LOVE raw corn on the cob, live mealworms, dried mealworms, cooked pasta and a few raisins - fussy madams :D

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Mine don't really like anything yet apart from Layers mash, mixed corn and raisins. i think i will give up till they start laying as they are supposed to eat alot more!


Lol Sarah and i thought it was just me!


Nope Barbara - not just you :lol: They will also eat their pellets, mixed corn and sunflower hearts but that is about it.

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do they eat cabbage as I bought loads of spring greens too


Mine were a bit fussy before they started laying, but now they love cabbage,

specially a white one, I hang it up in the run and they spend ages pecking at it. Today I hung up all the outside leaves of a cauliflower and they pecked away at that too. Things will change when yours start laying.... hopefully :roll:



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lol i bought 2 of the hanging balls from omlet and put some brocolli in 1 what a waste of my fav veg!! didnt touch it!

We only have organic veg so a bit peeved i wasted it lol

tried sweetcorn out of tin no go! so will definatly wait a while before i try something fresh will only serve leftovers lol

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do they eat cabbage as I bought loads of spring greens too


Mine were a bit fussy before they started laying, but now they love cabbage,

specially a white one, I hang it up in the run and they spend ages pecking at it. Today I hung up all the outside leaves of a cauliflower and they pecked away at that too. Things will change when yours start laying.... hopefully :roll:





Two out of 3 are already laying :(

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Mine wouldn't touch brassicas at first, but then I hung up a little cabbage from my organic veg box that had gone a bit limp, and they loved that - pecked it hollow!


They may not recognise unfamiliar vegetables as food, or may find them a bit bitter to start with, rather like children not liking their greens. Maybe you could start them off with something a bit milder-tasting, like lettuce or pak choi? I also found that they are more interested if you tear it into little pieces for them.

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I bought 2 hangers from Omlet as well, they have shown as much interest in them as I do in Bruce Forsyths 'jokes'. :( I'm hoping once they start laying they will go for the greens I can put in?


:lol::lol: Don't worry....as soon s they start laying the ill go mad for greens.


Mine love Curly Kale! :lol:

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Mine have eaten 2 bolted curly kale plants over the last few days. When we throw it into the run they look at us as if to say not that again but as soon as you turn your back they turn it into a skeleton :lol: Having said that they do prefer meal worms and they prefer their green nice and crispy not floppy and past their best :lol:

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