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Keanie Bean

We've bought a smallholding! Arghhh.....

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I cant quite believe what we are going to do. I have been brought up in London and never really lived anywhere else. Me hubby and kids are moving in with my mum and her fella to a 15 acre smallholding we have bought in Lincolnshire. Its near Spalding and we all loved it the moment we saw it.

We have a flat expanse surrounding us. You need binoculars to see the neighbours and the only thing blotting the landscape are windturbines, which I personally happen to like.


The owners are emigrating to New Zeland and are also leaving behind their 30 chickens! I think I'm going to need a bit of help with that lot.


The local school only has 74 pupils which is a stark difference to my daughters school where there is 90 in each year and they sit on the floor as there arent enough chairs to go round. Its even got its own swimming pool.


We are just waiting for a date to complete and then my mum and Howard (her man) will go up there with my eldest daughter Mia. Phil and I will then put the house on the market and hopefully will be out of here a few months later.


I'll keep you informed.



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AAAaaaaagggghhhh!!! OMG :shock::shock: How absolutely FANTASTIC!!! :dance::dance::dance: I am soooooooo :mrgreen:

Good for you, what a fantastic sounding place for you all to live and for your kids to grow up


We demand pictures and a blow by blow account! Write to channel 4 - they can make a documentary about it! :lol:


Mrs B

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Well actually I was thinking about setting up a small chicken breeding business. I think Omlet are going to be making some money from me, cubes will be needed!


I'll get some pics done once we move and I'll let you know when that will be, I've just enquired about ex batts aswell. Unfortunately I have missed the one for March that was near to me, but the Coordinator wanted to know if she should reserve me some for after May. The trouble is it might be the wrong time so I might have to leave it until we are settled in our nw home.



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Congratulations! You'll love it! :D


We've done exactly the same thing with my parents! We've split the house into two semis (there's still a door between the two though). And we've only got 3 acres. But We're actually looking to relocate soon, to something with more acreage... we only moved a year ago :lol:


It's addictive, this smallholding lark!!! :wink:



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can't wait to see the pics and hear how you get on, good on you! :clap:


We did a little bit of touring round Lincolnshire a few years ago, Skegness, Boston, Spilsby and Louth. Nice sausages ;) It is incredibly flat though isn't it :lol:

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OH WOW spalding isn't far away from me either less the 30mins, I'm soo happy for you, you must be chuffed. Its a shame mum and I are moving to Norwich (in August). Lincs is an odd place to live but you should find lots of nice and helping people here. Good luck with it all :D and please keep us all posted :wink::D

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Luthien, you have given me a giggle. We are odd kind of people I suppose, theres not many people who keep chickens in Penge especially on an estate with a garden area about 14 foot square!


I think we might fit in well there :lol:




Heres some info...Don't go into Boston unless Zombies are chasing you LOL :lol::lol: thats where some of the weirdos are, a few years ago a toothless guy had a go at me (drunk, him not me) thou I was goth and waiting outside KFC with my mums white toy poodle Tiffany :lol: . Just keep your head down when your there.....no ok its not too bad...errr well...hummm there are of course some lovely people here :D

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