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What scales do you use to weigh eggs?

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Hi folks,


Well, I'm gearing up for those first eggs and I just wondered what scales you were using to weigh them. My mechanical scales are not accurate enough so I'm thinking of investing in some electronic ones. I'm assuming this is how everyone is getting such accurate measurements of their hen's first eggs.


Anyone got a recommendation? Preferably a set of scales that are available in Argos!



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I have an Eggxact too. And we have weighed all our eggs since October 2005 :oops: It's nice to have a record so that you can look back at when a hen's last day off was and what her biggest egg weighed.


Unfortunately today, DH collected 5 eggs and put them in the treats bowl. He then rather tantalisingly held it up over the chickens heads (not deliberately trying to tempt them :roll: ) Vox took a flying leap, thinking her treats were there - and 5 eggs tumbled to the floor and broke. :roll:

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I have an Eggxact too. And we have weighed all our eggs since October 2005 :oops: It's nice to have a record so that you can look back at when a hen's last day off was and what her biggest egg weighed.


Unfortunately today, DH collected 5 eggs and put them in the treats bowl. He then rather tantalisingly held it up over the chickens heads (not deliberately trying to tempt them :roll: ) Vox took a flying leap, thinking her treats were there - and 5 eggs tumbled to the floor and broke. :roll:


Oh Ginette, I think I would have cried! :( That's too bad.


I sometimes weigh mine on my Weigh"Ooops, word censored!"chers electronic scales, but only if they are first eggs or look particularly big, otherwise I don't bother. I've just googled eggxact though, another item this forum will force me to buy!!


There are slight differences between the eggs, depending on the individual hen BarbaraJ, although I always found it difficult telling Daffodil and Marigold's eggs apart. It's also a very good case for having different breeds of hens so that their eggs look so different you don't have to catch them in the act.

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I bought some electronic scales today from Tesco for £15. All I need now is a blimmin egg to weigh!!! Please send laying vibes to my chooks....


Know the feeling Kris!! I feel sure tomorrow is the day! I asked my mum to have a look in Tesco's for me today but she hasn't reported back so perhaps they don't have any in our local one.


Ginette, so sorry to hear that all those lovely eggs got broken, I'd have been really :x with my hubby!

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