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I have an Interview Tuesday!

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Yep - I got the letter yesterday, the job I applied for last week want me for interview on Tuesday. Its for a Head of Department job which was not a direction I really saw myself heading in but I'm starting to realise that its the only way I get to help shape the department my way.


I have to teach a lesson but they havn't told me what yet! Also they didn't give a lot of detail aobut the courses etc so I've emailed a list of things I need to know.


On the double positve side I got a really nice dress yesterday in the mail which looks fantastic on me, I also have a jacket which is perfect with the dress - although a bit too snug on the arms but it feels more than it notices if you know what I mean.


This is the dress - it looks nothing in the picture but really smart on http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=320226025191&ssPageName=STRK:MEWN:IT&ih=011

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Oh yeah I love Per Una.


The jacket is Jaques Vert too - I paid £7 for it in a charity shop, so that's a £20 outfit!


Of course I've had to buy a new laptop bag to go with it, but there was a sale.....

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Thanks all - I've got the interview details through and as I suspected the lesson I have to teach is a bit of a tricky one. "1 hour year 8 lesson on modelling – explain what a model is? How you can create a model using MS excel and how to use a simple model". Its tricky because you don't ever seem to teach a lot of modelling in one lesson - I hope they can remember some from year 7 but I've leared from experience that its rarely the case - even if they were actually taught it in year 7!


I've found an interesting lesson that I think will fit into the time and allow them to achieve something - not sure what to do for a starter yet - I like to do something zingy and active with KS3 but I'm not entirely sure what yet.

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Good luck Pengy, im sure everything will go really well!


I've found an interesting lesson that I think will fit into the time and allow them to achieve something - not sure what to do for a starter yet - I like to do something zingy and active with KS3 but I'm not entirely sure what yet.


Have you ever used the PopCap game Typer Shark? :?

I have a class competition every now and then using this - it improves keyboard skills no end and is great fun. 8)

I set a 10 minute slot where everyone in the class logs in and chooses the EASY level. The student is a diver and as the diver makes his way to the sea bed sharks & fish head towards them and they have to type the word or symbol on the shark to kill it - wonderful stuff and the students are really competative :lol:


It gives each student a score and a rank at the end of the game or when they run out of lives! :lol:

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Thanks guys I've used that typing game before but I wouldn't want to guarantee anything even slight whizzy will work on a strange system. In my current school Flash doesn't work on all machines or at all in some classrooms.


We use teach-ict as well Couperwife but again I wouldn't like to guarantee any of the flash bits will work. Actually at my current school its the only thing our KS3 co-ordinator does - pick a scheme of work off there and tell us to follow it - regardless of how they always take twice as long to complete as they should. Oh and thats where she tells us to get KS3 cover from too, last piece she set was a printout with 5 DEAD LINKS in!!! TBH I don't know why they pay a KS3 co-ordinator, they should just make payment direct to the site - its the woman who runs that who does all the work. I like the site for inspiration but I find that pretty much everything needs to be adapted to be useful.


The lesson I've found was actually posted on the TES resources, its a dragons den scenario which allows them to set up a spreadsheet and start doing simple calculations to find the best option for investment. Then I thought they could create a graph too and present their findings. To extend (I have no idea how much they will know although usually year 8's seem to remember little from year 7 - BUT they may have been doing modelling already...) They can have an extra rule, that is the investment will be 100k so they can add an if statement to work out if they can make the maximum product the money will allow or if they should be capped at the potential sales rate - this gives a different answer to the first model. Further extention can be using goal seek to lower production costs if a discount is given by the factory.


I think that the first part would be achievable within an hours lesson and that some may also complete the second part, the third part is really in case they are extra good at spreadsheets! Hopefully the work will help them understand the use of a model and setting up a spreadsheet to find a solution. The Dragons Den theme will grab a little interest too.


For a starter I may do a web based quiz or crossword - I have software that I can use to produce my own and I can either hang it off of my KS4 website (which I know is not blocked in Essex schools) or run it straight off my memory stick as a class activity.


I have spent a fair amount of time working on this today - it was review day and I was light on appointments for a few hours.


I also have to give a 10 minute presentation on the development of teaching in ICT over the next 3 years.

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