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Martin B

Frequent Layer and Beyond

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Big pink congratulations to you Shona :P:P:P:P


Did anyone else notice that Buffie's just passed the 2000- I don't think that even she spotted that one :roll::P:P Conratulations to you too Buffie


And I'm busy doing a Martin (sorry Martin :oops::wink: ) but the family are all out so I've got unrestricted computer use for now, and I keep popping on and off the forum, making lots of posts, in the hope of hitting the 2000 before he does :shock::lol::lol::lol::lol:

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Cadbury World's good Martin, we went there a few years ago. Fortunately you can take most of the free samples home.... all the more for Sunday :wink: It'll take strong willpower to turn down the liquid chocolate sample though (we got that somewhere during the production process), but actually you'll not be missing much if you say no- we didn't like it, too warm and sickly :roll::wink:

Enjoy your day, sounds like a good one :D:D

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