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Cheap Small Caravan

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I need advice: the no. 1 son windsurfs and we're doing it all yr through now, and the thought of Wales in 3 weeks in a tent is not a thought I care to think.... Can anyone advize on small, cheap, easy to deal with caravans? What to look for , what to look out for, where the bad bits are likely to be etc. I know nothing about caravans, at all. Thanks so much, in advance!!

(when I say cheap, I mean under £500. In caravan terms I think this is the basement buying price?)

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It's the Omlet effect again- I want a caravan.

If you all had met me a year ago this thought would never have entered my head, but you have all changed me :lol::lol::lol:

I pass a caravan on my bus journey to work, it's up for sale for £350 ono, it's very old. Hubby just went like this :roll: when I mentioned it to him.

We do have a (downward sloping) driveway to store it on , & I'm not a caravan s"Ooops, word censored!" at all.

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Our caravan is VERY old. It is 18 years old. It is a compass amega. We have had it for 2 years and it is great. We brightened it up with cath kidston print material for the curtains/bedding etc. It looks great - my two kids love it. We have been away in it about 6 times, including last Easter when we were wearing t-shirts !

My Oh says that you should be aware that some may be being sold with 'flood-damage' . Mainly to look out for damp and any paint touch-ups. Also if it has been recarpeted ask for a corner to be taken up - to look at the floor. Check window seals for signs of leaks. Check underneath for rust.

All that being said - you can still get really good bargains in that price-range and it IS Great fun ! :P

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Doesn't look bad. Certainly worth a look (and check over). Meant to mention earlier about heaters. As it is an old carvan (like ours.) Don't use 'ever' the internal heaters. We bought a low wattage air heater from a caravan store, it does the job well.

The ebay seller - sounds like a private seller and not adealer - always a good sign.

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The e-bay van looks a good buy jules. bessacar are a good make.


I wouldn't go for a trailer tent if it's for short breaks. we had a trailer tent for 2 years - they take forever to put up & you can't pack them away wet, so it's either stay longer if it's raining or pack away wet & then put up again at home to dry the canvass.


We bought our caravan about 4 years ago and it's really easy to set up. We often go away Fri night - Sun afternoon. Wouldn't do that in a trailer tent

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Hi - our first ever ever caravan was bought off ebay for £500!!! It was a Swift Rapide & totally brilliant condition - everything in it & everything worked!

The thing was, we had seen it on ebay & it was only at Lymm - not far away from us...so we emailed the seller to look at it. We went & the old lady wanted it sold asap as it was upsetting her seeing it on the drive - as she had recently lost her husband. There were no bids yet on it - so she said - just pay me the starting bid & she will end the auction early. So we payed £500 & took it there & then. We had it for nearly 3 years - then bought a different one & a different one etc etc & we loved caravanning sooooo much that we bought a brand new one last year.

I personally would go for a trailer tent. They seem a bit flimsy & a bit of trouble to put up, clear away etc. I think a normal tent is better!!!

I do quite like those pop up caravans you can get. But keep looking & you will find a cheap caravan - now is the time to look around end of March - because people buy their new caravans this time of the year (like cars).

I think you can get a Freedom caravan quite reasonable price, but they are very little ...good though.

Keep looking!

Good luck!


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We saw a freedom on the weekend... Wow.... We never thought we were tall until we went in a Freedom!!

Have seen a lovely one, all serviced and from a reputable place, with an awning, ready to go, but it's £1000... Bit much for a 1991?

Its a Swift 4/5 berth

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