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British Gas Rapid response.........

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We joined the British Gas homecare scheme last Autumn because we knew the boiler was overdue a service. Last week I received a letter saying that the initial inspection is due about six months after we joined. Pretty sharp eh? :roll:


Anyway I was just admiring the snow whistling by in the hurricane outside when Cathy tells me there is no hot water!


Guess what? the boiler has broken down!


No problem I thought, we are covered and British Gas will send out someone to fix within minutes just like on the advert!


So I phoned them explained the situation and said the guy could do the inspection as he is fixing it!


ON THURSDAY! :shock::shock::evil::evil:


I asked how we would be expected to last until Thursday with no heating or hot water?


Do you have a gas fire he enquired? No, we have one form of heating, it is broken.


Do you have anyone medically dependent on the heating? says the man.


What on earth does that mean? If freezing to death is a medical condition then, yes there are two of us medically dependant


A six day turn around on a call out isn't very impressive is it? And it is going to cost me £50.




We joined the scheme so this kind of thing wouldn't happen. Good job the weather is so nice isn't it!


Good ole British Gash.


I am not happy





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It sounds as though you've been unfortunate. We're on the same scheme and luckily we've never had any problems. Had an issue with the water tank when I came out of hospital, and they sent someone the next day. If I'd not been in hospital, they would have been round in 2 days I believe.


Hope they get it sorted quickly when they get over

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We fell for it and it's worked in our favour so far. Last house the bolier went and BG sorted it under our policy and it saved us about £2k in one hit.


Generally I am not a fan of theirs as they sod us around with billing for gas and leccy, but so far so good on the home care stuff. Can't afford big hits, so works ok paying a little each month. :oops:

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Couldn't bear the thought of no shower for six days so I fixed the damn thing myself.


I didn't mess with anything Corgi-esque just took the cover off gave the exhaust fan a 'technical tap' with a screwdriver put the cover back on and she fired back up. So it looks like the exhaust fan is on the way out. Probably expensive so I'll let British Gash change that for me! £50 doesn't seem so bad now :wink:


Cathy has just shot up the stairs like a speeding bullet for a shower while the going is good!


What a relief, just hope it keeps going till Thrusday! :pray:



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My Dad swore by them - their heating seemed to go wrong - or their gas hob/oven every CHRISTMAS DAY! And BG were dead quick to turn up then (cos the gas man is on a STUPENDOUS amount of money the second he does one call - only a little amount for being on Standby)


I dont' bother myself, have no gas here. But at the rental house I don't bother either - the hot water isn't heating up properly there (I know its just a diagphram needs replacing, happend before) so I arranged for a gas man to call - needs to do the safety certificate too. Tenant told me (when I asked - they didn't volunteer the information) that he hadn't been as he arrived when she was going out. I thought that was odd as I'd given him HER number to arrange a convenient time. So I called him and he said they went round at the appointed time, she kept them hanging around for about 10 mins whilst she was on the phone, then said they couldn't get to the boiler as she had loads of stuff in front of the cupboard!!!!


I just hope they don't expect anyone to come running when the hot water totally packs up, which it will!

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I buy BG Homecare, it is hideously expensive BUT so far it has paid for itself, at least at my last house it did as I had to call them out twice. Finding a plumber in London is the biggest problem, and then there's the callout charge.


I am not recommending them, I think their service is absolutely appalling, but for me it's the fact that I know I can get something fixed and it won't cost me anything at all.


Last August my hot-water tank sprang a leak - at midnight on Sunday. I rang BG and they got someone out to isolate the tank and turn the water off within an hour. (I am actually fairly practical, but the stopcock in this house has been boarded over and hasn't been found yet!) It was worth it for that alone, as water was pouring through the ceiling.


They said it would take two weeks to fix the tank, but after I'd screamed and stamped my foot a bit (metaphorically), they did it within the week. Ring them back Kev, and keep plugging away. I usually ask to speak to a manager when the call-centre has told me there are no other appointments - if you make a pain of yourself, there is usually another slot they can find. I hate them, their service stinks, but I'd rather not have to find a plumber in a hurry.

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Couperman i feel for you.


Our boiler broke in October and it took until Feb 2nd to get it replaced!!!!!


When they ask you about the medical side of it...


I think they need to ask because Ross and Seth both have disabilites and if the cold gets into their muscles , they have to go into the hospital for help. [its complicated ]


I do feel for you, but you will get through it.

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  fairy&cake said:
Couperman i feel for you.


Our boiler broke in October and it took until Feb 2nd to get it replaced!!!!!


When they ask you about the medical side of it...


I think they need to ask because Ross and Seth both have disabilites and if the cold gets into their muscles , they have to go into the hospital for help. [its complicated ]


I do feel for you, but you will get through it.


The fact that we have no-body who is going to die due to the lack of heating and hot water is not really the point. I can understand why that situation would be a priorty but I have paid £15 a month for the last six months because the boiler needed a service and they have only just got it touch for the initial assessment.


The boiler is only five years old and is a good quality make, (Bosch)


When I removed the front cover to try and find the fault I was amazed how clean and sparkly the workings were. And after diagnosing what the flashing light meant I was able to get it away again (I know it will fail again shortly)


Anyway I have left the heating on low full time in the hope the fan will not seize again before thursday.


We could have got by for six days but I ask myself why am I paying these bozos for a call out service that is smeg. The advert says 7 out of 10 call-outs are resolved within 24 hrs. Six days dont cut it.


If I have to take another unpaid day off work to wait for some gimp providing a poor service, I will sccreeeeam and I can you know! :lol::evil::evil:

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  Couperman said:

Cathy has just shot up the stairs like a speeding bullet for a shower while the going is good!


What a relief, just hope it keeps going till Thrusday! :pray:




I know what you mean. She has been climbing that wall for months.....She must be 'ripe' by now! :wink::wink:


Hope you get it sorted soon.

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  fairy&cake said:
i know. We pay £17.50 a month with N Power and it tooks ages fir them to organise it all.


It is annoying Laura and like I said we are all growed up and could have got by.


But if you have little ones it must be so much harder!


I am paying top dollar for a service that is rubbish. And I doubt it would be any better if anybody's life did depend on it.


Give my regards to OH and of course young Seth.



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We got up this morning, Cathy had a shower, no problems with the boiler of course until it was my turn :evil:


It packed up again as I knew it would at some point :evil::evil:


Had to have a stand up bath by the sink with the aid of hot water from the kettle, not ideal but just like camping without the luxury.


I knew it was the exhaust fan so i thought if I can get hold of one I might as well take today off rather than thursday and tell British Gash to get knotted.


Bought the spare fan from Plumbase for £80 fitted it in 4 mins 42 seconds and problem sorted. 8) It would have cost me £50 for the call out alone and I doubt he would have had a spare even though I told them what was wrong. £30 to get it back 2 days early is ok I guess.


The only trouble is I am struggling to get through to BG to cancel





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  Egluntine said:
Blimey Kev.....is there no end to your talents?


Him Indoors would never have been able to do anything like that!!


It was fairly simple, seven screws and two electrickery connectors.

It is a clever boiler, it told me what was wrong by blinking it's little lights! :D It refuses to light unless the exhaust fan is already running.If the fan stops it shuts down and flashes its little lights like crazy. The fan was the most likely culprit as it is the only thing with moving parts that operates almost constantly, so bound to wear out first.


If the fan was working and it wouldn't light then I wouldn't have touched it, that be electronics, black magic that be :anxious:


It still needs a service to make sure everything else is OK.


I cancelled the appointment with British Gas, haven't decided whether to kick them into touch altogether but I am certainly leaning in that direction.


Not a totally wasted day as I got the greenhouse back up, just need to get some replacement glass to finish it off before the wind gets back up and blows it down again!



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The glass is all back in, I did have a few broken panes, I had them all stacked neatly behind the cube. I didn't notice they had been damaged until I put the glass back in.


I went back to B&Q for the third time (i went first for an anchor kit) and then a extension lead long enough to reach the greenhouse.


B&Q don't do replacement glass for their greenhouses unless you wish to change all of the glass :evil:


Anyway I fitted the broken panes and sealed (glued them back together) them with silicon.


Tip of the day is.... wear safety glasses whilst building a greenhouse, I am soooo glad I did.



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