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MY hens are finally here

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I recieved a phone call from the post office yesterday morning that the girls had arrived. I drove down to town to pick them up They made their little chickeny noises all the way home and kept peeking out through the holes in the carton to look at me. One of the hens was quite uncomfortable and complained all day making the sounds that a hen does when she is going to lay. I filled the nesting box with shavings as I only had a few in there expecting the first egg to be weeks away. I checked the nest several times during the day and around 6 pm there was a perfect tiny brown egg and she was quiet and comfortable pecking around. The first day I must say went very well. I also expected to have a bit of trouble getting them to bed I had a light in the eglu and a broom ready incase I had to persuade them in but when I checked them just after dark they were all inside the eglu and I just had to close the door.

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  TAJ said:
what breed are they & remember we like to see photos.



I ordered the Omlet Gingernut Rangers only option here they are the Rhode Island Red cross.

Another one is in the eglu nest box right now she's been in there awhile I guess we shall have another egg.

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Bless the chook with an egg on the boil! Glad to hear they are settling in well - are you excited? Bet you look at them as much as poss - I do! :shock:


I agree with the other posts that we don't get anything as exciting as hens in our mail. I get mostly bills! :?

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Can you believe it yesterday another hen layed an egg and she is sitting in the nest box now. Ist was a brown from Eggwina , 2nd egg off white from Eggna the other two are to busy eating and scratching about. I have the Eglu and run placed outside my kitchen window so that I can watch them without going outside all the time.

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My blue eglu used to look like yours :roll: .


I plan on moving it into the shade of the trees for the summer to minimize the sun damage


The Eglu is in my back yard inside of a 6 ft high chain link fence luckly the red fox don't climb however the grey fox do I have seen one at 11am climb my fench to grab a squirrel. they are normally nocturnal. I don't plan on allowing the hens to free range in the yard unless I am sitting out there with them. I don't even let my dogs out alone. :lol: My daughters say that I am paranoid, better over cautious than sorry I say.

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Not much sun damage in Edinburgh ANH!!!! Mine seems to have more rain and wind damage - not to mention the fact that Clara uses it as a lauch pad for her escape attempts over the fence into nest doors gardens - caught in the act today, but she looked so comical strutting along the run and slithering over the eglu roof that I just left her to it! I keep wondering if it would go back to its pristine greenness if I had a jet wash thingy (just use a bucket and scrubbing brush at the mo)

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  Ain said:
To be fair, it's still as blue as ever, it's more the grubby interior (courtesy of you know who :roll: ). The rest of the eglu is so easy to clean but, short of removing the run, it's not easy to get at the outside of the door to clean it.


I did notice that, as the hens decided to take a mud bath and throw some on the door and front I guess it will have to stay there until I can hose it off.

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