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LOL....Fell flat on my back!!

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About an hour ago I came back from grocery shopping and while I had my outside shoes and a coat on, thought I would go and see if I had any eggs. Well I had forgotten that I had put the netting up yesterday so the girls could free range again now we are nearly out of winter and being a clever so and so I thought I would manage to just swing my leg over the netting. :roll:

Well I did manage it going in but not coming out... I caught my right leg in the netting and fell over backwards onto the concrete ouch!! But the good news is I had two eggs in my hand that I was determined not to crush as they have been so few and far between lately and they were OK :D

The things We do to protect our girls and eggs. :roll:s035.gifFelt a bit of a plonker and hope the neighbours didn't see me as it must have looked funny :lol:

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whoops, I went out one frosty morning in just my dressing gown & garden shoes & slid down the bank on my back dressing gown flapping open, just as well there lots of trees and shrubs at the bottom of our garden to hide my blushes and everything else from the neighbours :oops:

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My husband kept grumbling about the amount of chicken poo in the garden (tales of others poop collecting put me to shame :oops:

I kept denying there was a problem until the combination of sleet and poo on the path at the w/e sent me flying (and I landed in yet more poo) :shock:

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oh stop it I am crying reading this ... first Basset tripping over the dog, then poor Carl zapping his ... and then the dressing-gown one. Been there, done that (well not the nadgers bit!), why is it that when you fall over you always do it in front of lots of people?


I got up out of my seat on the Tube this morning, and battled my way to the door as usual, past loads of people who don't move an inch. (They're probably grumpy because they didn't get a seat). Got to the door, and realised that when I picked up my bag off the floor before standing up, I'd somehow grabbed the hem of my skirt as well so I was holding it somewhere around waist level! :oops: Luckily I think my coat concealed most of my blushes ... well I hope so anyway.

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Olly I did somthing similar many years ago at an interview, desperate for the loo because I was so nervous, did the interview & got up to leave & heard a lot of coughing & tittering from the panel, OMG did the classic & had tucked my hem into my knickers :oops::oops::oops: I was 17 years old and thought I was going to die, actually the old fella on the panel looked as if he might :lol:

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Oh no Chickenlass, hope you are not too bruised! :shock: Must admit I did the same thing myself - trying to get my leg over the chicken wire around the veg patch and got tangled up, ended up falling flat on my back. Luckily, about an inch from a steaming pile of yellow curry chicken poo! :? How I missed it I'll never know! :shock::lol:

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Rofl...well y neck is very stiff this morning ..I think I must have suffered a bit of Whip lash when I fell down if you know what I mean . Have just managed a riding lesson though so not too bad all inn all. Off for another warm bath now.

Urgh :vom: at the curry chicken poo Snowy Howells. LOL

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