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Jury Service

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Here's a new one on me. I've been summonsed to do Jury service in Birmingham in June. Not sure how I feel about it. I know it's my civil duty and all that but it's really going to disrupt my routine as I only work 2 1/2 days a week, also means less time with chooks and in the garden, especially that time of year.


But the main thing is, none of my friends or family have ever done it and I'm a bit apprehensive - is it scary? boring? will it be something else to worry about? (born worrier as it is)


Anyone else done it? How was it?

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In my spare time, I'm a lawyer, so I've seen it from the other side. It's boring and often very frustrating and I would advise a supply of good books.


However, it is SO important that every one does jury duty as it's a check and balance on the power of the state and a chance for someone to have their case heard by people who understand real life. So, try to be positive and not to be swayed by your fellow jurors. Good luck!!

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No! Don't be put off!! I did it a couple of years ago and absolutely dreaded the thought of going. I was called the day after the hens arrived so didn't want to go and leave them at all but it was great fun! We were sent home for most of the first week as cases collapsed as the accused realised as they stepped into court that they were guilty after all :lol: ! The second week, I was chosen for the jury and had a 3 day trial to watch and that was it - discharged, duty done!


I'm sure you'll find it enjoyable and interesting. I was with a terrific group of jurors and we got on like a house on fire, playing cards and watching TV between sessions!


It's not scary - well, the only scary bit is when you're chosen and have to be sworn in. They have something like 15 people called for each session and only select 12 for the jury. I wasn't selected for the first case but got onto the next jury. The scariest thing is standing up and being sworn in, the rest is just listening and making up your OWN mind :wink: . They make you feel very comfortable and look after you really well. You're working for them!

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Twiglet. I'm sure you'll be fine. I was called once and was as nervous as anything. I didn't know where the court was and where to park etc. We did a dry run the Sunday before. Going into the courtroom was VERY scary, but I didn't get selected, so that was it for me! Free! I wish now I had been selected, as I think I probably did the scary bit, and would have found it really interesting!

Good luck!

I do remember you don't get much monetry allowance for lunch?

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I remember jury service as being one of the most boring times of my life!! I did it for a week. The first two days were spent hanging around doing nothing. :roll: Eventually got called in to a case about stolen cars. :?


One of the guys at work did it last year and he was off for weeks - it was a murder case and quite gruesome. :shock:


Take a book with you. :wink:

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I was called to do jury duty in July last year - perfect timing with the kids on school holidays ....who would look after them????


I had to be in Oxford which is 20 miles away by 8am,for between 3 weeks & up to 3 months :shock:


However,as I have suffered from agraphobia & panic attacks in the past & still have prescribed medication on ocassion (places I cannot escape from make me feel horrid - airplanes,trains etc) I was able to be let off,as the condition may have made me unable to sit in a court room for any length of time.


I was hugely relieved,& now have life long immuntiy from being called up again.


I still dread to think what would happen if The Hubby was called up,with us being self employed :?

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I've been called up twice, but each time I got off as I am (was :? I seem to think that the rules have changed :?:?) in an exempt occupation. At the time I quite liked the idea of doing it... a bit of variety from the daily routine..... although each time I got called for a London court, which would have been a total pain, I consider myself lucky not having to commute into London for work.

Good luck with it, hopefully you'll get selected for a brief but interesting case :wink:

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I have never been called and have always wanted to be the gorier the better :lol:


I know people who have been called several times :evil:


The way to get off being on the jury is to tell them you have extrreme views ie everyone should be hung no matter what the crime :lol:

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Well, I work for the Lord Chancellor's department, so think that everyone should do Jury duty because it's my job to encourage representative juries. Too many juries are made up of people with nothing better to do, rather than people who are representative of the defendants' peers. BUt if it's a financial burden, I would try to get out of it.....

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I was called for jury service about eighteen months ago, but I couldn't do it as I suffer from restless legs - yes, it really is a medical condition! Actually, it's very debilitating as I go through phases of really disturbed sleep and there is no way I can stay still once they start!!!! Can you picture the scene ..... really critical point in the trial and I leap to my feet and start walking around the court room muttering "sorry your honour, restless legs, be okay in a few minites, just ignore me"!!!

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I managaed to get out of doing jury service because they wrote to my old address, I had been at the new place for 2 years!


The only reason I wouldn't want to do it now is because I have been told it is boring as hell.


If I get called up I wouldn't be worried about it but would go out and spend a fortune on books before hand.

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