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Introducing the Pink Ladies!! (and our littlies too)

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Well, all the new girls seem to have settled in ok, slightly worried about Jan who hasn't eaten or drank anything. We're hoping she will be first to the glug and grub in the morning. The other three girls have barely had their heads out of the grub!


Hope you like the photos :D



Rizzo - isn't she beautiful, hard to believe she's a rescue girl










Jan - she's a little more worse for wear than the other girlies



Frenchy and Jan modelling their hen jumpers - thank you to Little Chickadee!!



Marty with hen jumper!



Edna and Daphne (Banteenies)



Little Florence (Banteenie)



Florence, Daphne and Edna (more interested in food than new girls!)



All living together in their new run (but separated for now!)


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What lovely pictures :D . They look in pretty good condition, considering, but their poor little combs and wattles are so pale :( . I bet it's not long till they turn lovely and red :) .


You've got a great setup there :D .


Yes, we commented on their paleness whilst picking them up - were told it's because they lose heat through them as it's quite hot in the battery farm. :? Anyone else heard this? We thought that would make them redder somehow :shock:

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Great set up Scooby. :lol:


Rizzo looks in very good nick...the others are very like my girls.




:lol: We think she was just wandering by and got swept up in the excitement of the day :lol: We're very surprised how good she looks. If the other three turn out like her we're going to have four stunning girls :D

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Well done you, I love to hear about all the lucky girls being rescued, our girls combs are still dry and paler than the other hens although they've feathered up really quickly. The only one who's still scraggy is Henrietta who has a bald neck like your Jan and doesn't sem to have grown any back there. Hope they have a good night and an even better first morning of freedom. Makes you wonder what they must be feeling, to be able to stretch their wings, scratch on a solid floor, feel the wind and rain and sun (maybe :roll: ) what a lucky escape, I'll say it again, well done you


Mrs B

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What a great idea for names, Scooby! :lol:


I love your new girls. They must think they are in a chicken palace, compared to their previous life. I especially love their new fashionable outfits. I did knit one, in case I get some ex-batts, but it's boring maroon, not natty colours like your girls have!


Well done for taking them in. Looking forward to "after" pics in a few months. :D

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Yes - thanks for asking Pam. We've been in the run most of the morning to make sure we see her eating and drinking so we're very pleased she has had something now.


Also, we got our first two freedom eggs this morning!! :D:D:D:dance:


Have just ordered a new glug and grub though as Marty seems to think it's her right only to eat and drink and is being quite fierce if anyone else dare to try :cry:

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We have had great fun watching their antics today. Marty is definately top chook and her and Daphne (banteenie top chook) have been sizing each other up on each side of the chicken wire. :lol: It's great to see that apparently teeny Daphne is not scared of the big bully! :D

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I'm really not convinced about Rizzo either :lol: I had her eating sweetcorn out of my hand earlier today :shock: the other girls don't want to know yet. Hopefully that will change when they've settled in properly. Rizzo has also had her first dustbath, it was lovely to see her kicking up hemcore all over herself :D


Only got one egg today so not sure what's happened considering there were three yesterday. I'd like to think they've already realised they're allowed to have a nice rest now :D

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