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Bucket List - what's on yours?

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Looking at some of the Friday threads and following a conversation I had earlier in the week I was wondering what was on everyones bucket lists? I haven't seen the film so maybe that should be on mine, but here's a few things on my list...(most of them involve travelling!)


Want to go to Bhutan

Want to go to Ulaanbaatar

Want to learn rock climbing

Would love to see the northern lights

would like to foster or adopt

(obviously) move to the country and become self sufficient :roll:

(Secretly would love to open an organic produce business, homemade stuff etc)


I've loads more, what's yours?


Mrs B

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That's what I was wondering - things to do before kicking the bucket list?? :lol:


I'm quite happy with my little lot, there's only one thing I really want to achieve and that is to become a Doctor of Nursing :oops: I know, completely geeky, I just like the idea :lol: Just need to do a Masters and a PHd now. :roll:

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It is, things to do before you kick the bucket!

I'm going to be 40 in July and it feels really monumental to me, I'm just coming out of the endless sleep deprivation, nappies and sleepless nights and beginning to return to the human race (or thats how it feels) so I feel very much like I'm in a starting position again.


So my list is likely to grow, although there is no dissatisfaction with life attatched to it

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Great thread! I will sleep on it and let you know what's going on my list (unless I kick the bucket in the night that is!!)


ps where is Ullaanbater um whatever it was?


Oh and I'll join you straight away on the self sufficiency one- conversation tonight meandered between pigs and ducks and do ducks get on with chickens :?::!:


see ya in the morning

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No wish list here I'm afraid.


I tend to take each day as it comes and if any opportunities arise along the way decide there and then whether to go with them. There's no point me wasting time wishing for things I can't afford, I don't do dreams :D


Obviously if I were to win a chunk of money I'm sure I'd manage a small list :wink:

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I disagree - I think you have to have a dream, even if it may seem unattainable or very distant - dreams are what keep you going. (I'll break into a song from South Pacific in a minute! :wink: )


- Go to Africa - I want to go camping in the Ngongoro Crater

- learn to play the piano

- write a book

- move to the countryside (this seems to be a common theme!) and grow more of my own produce

- live more simply

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No wish list here I'm afraid.


I tend to take each day as it comes and if any opportunities arise along the way decide there and then whether to go with them. There's no point me wasting time wishing for things I can't afford, I don't do dreams :D


Obviously if I were to win a chunk of money I'm sure I'd manage a small list :wink:


I am with you on this.

Life is too short for dreams - take each day as it comes.


That said,I would love to see some of the great waterfalls & the Grand Canyon :P

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No wish list here I'm afraid.


I tend to take each day as it comes and if any opportunities arise along the way decide there and then whether to go with them. There's no point me wasting time wishing for things I can't afford, I don't do dreams :D


Obviously if I were to win a chunk of money I'm sure I'd manage a small list :wink:


I kind of agree with you Claire. I'm hoping we have some adventures now that we've bought the camper van. I think we'll start off with a few trips in the UK, to get the hang of it and then try Northern France and perhaps further afield after that, who knows.


I'd rather not make specific lists as they only lead to disappointment if you don't fulfill them, bit like new year resolutions.


I find spontaneity much more exciting than going with a list :D

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To be free of debt (I'm not counting mortgage) so then we can afford to start being spontaneous :)


I always wanted to swim with dolphins but on two conditions a) not in one of those american style theme parks b) When I was pregnant. SO obviously thats a nonstarter now. I just thought the idea of them knowing I was pregnant and being able to 'see' my baby would be amazing.

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To be free of debt (I'm not counting mortgage) so then we can afford to start being spontaneous :)




you don't have to have money to be spontaneous ;) Sometimes, if we're out on a weekend drive I'll say to Ian, "turn here!" without any idea of where we'll end up! We've found some really nice places that way. I don't like making plans as I always change my mind so much anyway. I like not knowing where I'll end up :D


You can't plan to be spontaneous, that's an oxymoron! :lol:

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You can't plan to be spontaneous, that's an oxymoron! :lol:


:D:D No wish list here either. Frankly I'm just grateful when I wake up every morning that I have not yet kicked the bucket :roll: My greatest wish would be to move from London, to somewhere with a bit of land and within walking distance from the sea, aint never gonna happen though. So I am resigned to 'putting down roots and growing like a tree', just be grateful for all the things I've got.



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Here's mine -


To move to a smallholding

To have a field with a rainbow of eglus & lots of chickens

TO have alpacas, a pig, pygmy goats & ducks.

To have a pug & a St. Bernard

To have a lovely large kitchen with a central work bit - like delia Smiths :lol:


To have a balcony on my house

To have an orchard with lots of fruit trees

To have a ginormous veggie patch

TO have a quad bike

To have a tuk tuk

I'd like to see Madagascar, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Singapore & The Great Wall of China.

To go in a hot air balloon

To see Santa in Lapland & go on skidoos / skimobile.

To Learn another language apart from German.

To write a book.


Hubby's are most of the above plus


To own a cherry picker & invent something! :roll:


All the above are literally acheivable & we will have & do nearly all over time!

It's a matter of patience & not wanting things that are out of reach..like lottery winnings!



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To be free of debt (I'm not counting mortgage) so then we can afford to start being spontaneous :)




you don't have to have money to be spontaneous ;) Sometimes, if we're out on a weekend drive I'll say to Ian, "turn here!" without any idea of where we'll end up! We've found some really nice places that way. I don't like making plans as I always change my mind so much anyway. I like not knowing where I'll end up :D


You can't plan to be spontaneous, that's an oxymoron! :lol:


not an option we dont do thing like weekend drives as the fuel costs and if we do have to drive it has to be direct so as not to waste fuel. Plus Dh is a planner its me who likes just doing things but as we're so broke I cant afford to learn to drive let along own a car or pay for fuel.


In a general sense you can plan to be sponataneous. When I was young free and single myself and my best friend used to just do things off the cuff. Now its just not possible. If we were free of debts we would be able to turn to each other whenever we felt like it and say lets do this and do it. Sadly just doing things does tend to cost we currently do loads of things that dont cost but then we plan them so...

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i don't go to work any more so that's a 30 mile round trip every day saved! :D I moved jobs a couple of years ago and before that I used to have to do a 60 mile a day round trip so I think I'm doing my bit in cutting down on fuel consumption. I'm also selling my car and we're just going to use DH's car. We needed seeperate cars when I was at work. Now, as I'm in the house most of the week, I think I'm justified the odd weekend drive out in the car ;)


I was just giving that as an example anyway, you don't have to be in a car to be spontaneous :lol:

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Sorry wasnt making out you shouldnt do weekend drives just that its not something for us.


I do think that perhaps people in our position might undertsand though that its very hard to do things off the cuff with no resources and three small children.

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i can understand that having kids might stop you being spontaneous as you'd maybe like to be. We don't have kids so can just say "let's go for a walk and see where we end up" etc. I still don't think you need cash to be spontaneous, some things in life are free if you know what I mean :lol:


I love just deciding there and then what I feel like doing but I guess kids can restrict you in terms of having to plan the day but then you could do spontaneous things with the kids maybe? Bake some spontaneous biscuits or a cake or paint a spontaneous picture :lol:

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