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dogs and chickens

Does anyone do this?

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yes - I stick them in at any temperature actually, whenever I am cooking something else, then grind them in my pestle and mortar and add a pinch to porridge or other treats every other day or so - they gobble it up and it worked a treat when Ruby was laying soft shells... I love the idea of recycling this way! :)

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I have fed them to my girls now. I oven'ed them with a cake (made with just laid eggs :wink: ) for five mins, and them grinded them up in the P&M with 1tbsp porridge oats.


I found it so funny, I sprinkled it into the run, while one of the hens was happy in the nest box. She clearly heard something was going on and loudly BOK BOKED through the rest of her laying. She came flying out of the nest box and ran up to the others, who by which point had finished the lot :lol: She walked round the whole run BOK BOK BOKING for about half an hour :roll: . She clearly knew she had missed something good!!!



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One tip - don't forget and leave them in the oven too long. The smell of burnt eggshell is really disgusting and seems to take forever to clear


Amen to that.

I left some eggs hard boiling the other night & got distracted by Jake Gylenhall in a movie :oops: & they boiled dry,burst & almost caught fire :shock:


The smell was indescribable :evil:

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An easy mistake to make Cinnamon, especially with a distraction :wink:


I peel the skin out of the shell :vom: and then pop them in the oven after I have had it on for something else. Leave them in there overnight and grind them up in the morning.


I add it to their afternoon porridge mash

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