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Woohoo! Look what I got from Freecycle!! Updated.

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.....having tried unsuccessfully SO many times to "win" stuff on Freecycle, I never seemed to get the things I asked for - they were already gone (sometimes within minutes it seemed). BUT, this weekend picked up 8 glazed big patio pots, 6 stepping stones which reach neatly across the muddy bit of my "lawn" to the grassy bit, 8 paving slabs which now take us from the front door to the bin store, saving yet more mud being trodden through the house, and two hanging baskets. And tomorrow, straight from school, I'm picking up, wait for it, a set of blue Le Creuset pans with wooden hanging rack! Some weighing scales and a cookbook holder, also a mug tree and kitchen roll holder - wasn't that bothered about that, it was the pans I was after! Weehee :lol: !! Have offered her eggs or lemon curd as a trade - she's plumped for lemon curd, so I'm off to the kitchen RIGHT NOW to make a batch (need some for ED's teacher as she's put her hand up for some as well. )


PLUS I have had a BRILLIANT day, been outside gardening, reclaiming greenhouse from chicken feed / bedding etc, planted runner beans, cucumbers, marigolds, got taters chitting, put new bark chippings over the muddy ones (so looks and smells nice, tidied front garden, laid patio slabs (as above - freecycle) tidied patio, moved kids playhouses around, bought loads of organic compost from organic compost centre near us, even got an organic grobag (but a big 40l one) for £1.30 and got 8 tyres for free from the local tyre centre

I'm tired and achey, my hands are as dry as crisps but I am one HAPPY BERTIE!



Mrs B

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wow - well done, Mrs B! I know what you mean, I always seem to be too late for the good stuff on Freecycle but everyone's turn must come, sounds as if you have done really well.


I am impressed with the gardening. I keep looking out of the window and planning but never seem to have time or the energy to do it. Whatever you're taking, I'd like some!

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Le Creuset pans??? You jammy moo!!!! :shock::shock:


I've got a couple of their blue pans, given as presents - they're so good to cook with.


Well done!


I know! I'm not quite sure why I'm so excited at the idea of cooking with pans that are already too heavy to lift before you've even put anything in them but there you go! :lol:

Lemon curd is made, frilly hats are on top of the pots (pair of ED's old red flowery shorts cut into circles held on with pink rubber bands c/o careless postman) now just doing the labels then off to bed.

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...frilly hats are on top of the pots (pair of ED's old red flowery shorts cut into circles held on with pink rubber bands c/o careless postman)


Now that's what I CALL recycling! :wink:


You're very generous - I have given apples or eggs in the past when I've collected something, but I don't often find people do this in return. Still, for a set of Le Creuset - I reckon they're worth it!


so what if they are too heavy to lift - they LOOK really cool!

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...8 glazed big patio pots, 6 stepping stones which reach neatly across the muddy bit of my "lawn" to the grassy bit, 8 paving slabs which now take us from the front door to the bin store, saving yet more mud being trodden through the house, and two hanging baskets. And tomorrow, straight from school, I'm picking up, wait for it, a set of blue Le Creuset pans with wooden hanging rack! Some weighing scales and a cookbook holder, also a mug tree and kitchen roll holder -..


and a partridge in a pear treeeeeeeeeeeeee ;)


sounds like a good day well spent, well done! :D



all things considered, our day wasn't too bad either. Had a visit from our beautiful niece who helped Ian collect our 1 egg for the day (think the girls are taking a bit of a break just now) Ian picked up a camping stove, gas bottle and a couple of demi johns from a freecycle ad and I made rhubarb crumble with our home grown rhubarb, it's prolific that stuff, will have to do another jar of schnapps soon! :shock::lol:


Gave next door some rhubarb today too :D

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Well done Mrs B, I am really envious of the Le Creuset, I love mine. We were given our first oval casserole as a wedding present 15 years ago and it is still going strong we then bought a round blue one and a griddle pan, then last year we invested in the large round casserole and a small round one from an offer in the Telegraph, but we don't use them as often as we should now we have the slow cooker.


I love the way they keep things hot for ages and they are pretty indestructable. I bought a small milk pan in a charity shop for £5 a couple of years back and a small frying pan for £1 at a car boot I thought they were bargains. :D Maybe I have quite enough already after listing that lot :oops:

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My mum gave me hers a few years ago because she just couldn't manage to lift them any more :?


I know how your Mum feels, Louise! :roll:


I have a lovely big Chasseur Green cookpot, which I struggle with, due to having useless gangliony, rheumaticky wrists. I won't give in, though my DD loves to watch me manhandle it in a cackhanded way. :lol:

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When I met OH he had a lovely set of the orange le creuset pans, courtesy of his ex wife. (No I didn't marry him for his pans!) I thought they were great at first, but they had to go - I just couldn't lift them if they had anything in them :? When my stepdaughter admired them I had a sudden fit of generosity and passed them on 8) She didn't keep them long. They are probably still doing the rounds - "oh what lovely pans" "thank you. Would you like them?" :lol:

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WELL!! Look what I got from the Freecycle lady this morning!!




I gave her eggs as WELL as lemon curd!!


Happy Mrs Bertie :lol:


(when I was a punk and a goth I never thought I'd get so excited about a set of saucepans, has it really come to this :roll: )

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