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Ex batts on preloved!!!!

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'i dont have room for them any more so they have to go as i have lots of other animals as well'


I can't believe this... what are people thinking??? That it's ok to just overwhelm their time and space with animals, especially rescued ones, then decide 'oh, that's enough' and throw them out???


That makes me very angry.... :evil:


I had hoped this would have been a case of forced re-locating, or neighbour complaint or something... but the way that ad is written is driving me wild!!

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Very sad. :(


Poor chooks - a chook is for life, not just for Jamie and Hugh shows.


Mind you, I got my first 2 hens second hand with their 9-month-old eglu. The couple who had them decided they wanted to spend their retirement going away more often, rather than looking after chooks.

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oh that makes me so angry! :evil: wouldn't surprise me if they'd stopped laying and now this person wants to get rid of them. I wonder if this person got them from Adele in Rossendale as they are in Southport so Adele would be the closest.


Pity this sort of person can't be reported to the RSPCA, you can't just rehome animals and dump them when you feel like it!

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I guess it wcould be worse. They could have been culled (and wasted) or just dumped. In some ways they have been responsible by looking for new homes where they are wanted. We don't know their circumstances. The wordings not great but not everyone has a way with words.

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i'd take them but i suspect they're not laying so this person is just making room to get some more and will probably keep doing it every time the ex batts stop laying! Fancy trying to make £3 each from something that cost 50p as well!


you don't take on an animal/s then realise, oops I've got too many! You THINK before you get to that stage.

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I have seen adverts in a free ads for the rescued hens too. They were charging £5 per hen so a nice tidy profit was being made there. Also, I have come across one other forum where a couple of people boast about how many they have for the freezer and how many more they are going back for. I think that is so awful. We are vegetarian but even if I wasn't I couldn't do that. I think we live in a twisted world sometimes x

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This makes me mad :evil:


People should think twice before filling their lives with animals that they then realise they don't want. And then to sell them on at a £3 each! :evil::evil:


We often get people not turn up on rescue dates who use excuses like 'they couldn't wait for the rescue hens' or went 'and got some from a breeder' :evil:


IMO these people don't deserve to have ex-bats!

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..., I have come across one other forum where a couple of people boast about how many they have for the freezer and how many more they are going back for.


OMG, that is so upsetting! I'd have found out who they were and then reported them to the BHWT so they could blacklist them :cry::cry::cry:

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When I approached the BHWT I asked about home visits etc. You know, did they do them like the RSPCA do. They said no that they go on trust. Obviously they can't check how the girls will be living or peoples intentions either. There is no saying if you report these people they won't get someone else to get them or give a different name. I think we just have to give the hens we have (or getting) the best possible life you can and remember you did it for the right reason. It is very sad though. x

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yes, I asked too before we got our girls and were told they only home check when people ask for over 50. It breaks my heart to think they're going into somebody's freezer.

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Wouldnt the BHWT get suspicious if the same people keep applying for new hens? I emailed our local rescue person, and spoke to her on the phone, so she has my email id, my name and my phone number... Wouldn't they notice if someone keeps coming back for more hens all the time, and get suspicious as to what happens to the hens?


I'm not sure if they keep any records of names of people having adopted ex batts...


It could be that the advertiser doesn't have a way with words and has a genuine reason for rehoming, but mostly people who do care would tend to naturally give the reason... also someone who lets themselves get too many animals to be able to take care of them obviously hasn't been giving it proper thoughts...

This being said, when looking at many pet rehoming ads, I also get aggravated by the 'very reluctant sale, it breaks my heart to have to sell' type of thing, especially when they are followed by 'I'm just too busy to look after the pet that's only been here a few months' and 'I want at least so much money for it'.... drives me just mad...

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I have bred dogs in the past. I sell them not because I want to recoup some of the money I've spent but because I hope that someone who has paid for something might just take a bit more care of it. If I gave them away then people might get the dog with a what the heck we'll see how it goes attitude.


I do think people should charge when rehoming animals because it's another layer in trying to ensure the other party is genuine. As for charging £3 for ex batts maybe they want to be sure that they aren't going to end up on a dinner plate after all at that price they're more expensive than Tescos.


Just a few points that spring to mind. :?

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I just thought the advert was terrible - it's like ' oh you are boring & no use now, so I'll get rid of you'. It's really awful!

Poor birds - I just wish I could have them, but I have my Wernlas ladies due to arrive in about 5 weeks & my eggs hopefully to hatch in 2 weeks - need to start collecting a few more eglus before I can have ex batts. As I'd like them to have their own personal ''quarters'', rather than mixing with the rest of the girls...after all they deserve the very best after what they have been through.

I do hope someone could give them a loving home, laying or not - I bet they are lovely girls!



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It's not just the 'Jamie & Hugh shows' that got me started. I have wanted Chickens for many years I just didn't think it was possible in a back garden.


As pointed out earlier she (or he) is atleast trying to re-home them.


If he (or she) was charging £40 per chook we would all be up in arms as well!!


Bottom line is, atleast she's not chucking them out on the M4 or putting them in the pot.



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