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Countdown to ex-batts... getting excited... its TODAY

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Okie, I need to share this with people who actually care... we booked some ex batts a little while ago, and it's now getting to the real countdown, 22 days left till we bring them home...


We have to omlet chooks already, and I was just looking at them roaming around the garden, and it's just fantastic to imagine the three ex batts doing the same... DD2, who is the official chicken owner, is thinking of names... One, I'm told, will definitely be called Pecky...


We have a cube in which Mac and Nugget live happily, and have our old Eglu ready for the new girls, hoping that in time (lots of time if necessary), they will blend while freeranging and eventually move all into the cube... should that not work, we have cube and eglu so won't be a problem... We have our layers' mash ready too...


One question... if picking up three birds, do I need to take them home in three different boxes/carriers? or is it better to put them together to travel? We have cat carriers that we could use, or could get cardboard boxes... What would anyone recommend?


It's exciting... I was very delighted when my daughter (who's now 8years old) decided to go for ex batts, I'm now counting the days...

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Thanks everyone, I'll do that... nice box for the three of them, with bedding in...

I wonder what they will look like... warned DD2 they might look very different from the omlet chooks, showed her some pics, so she doesn't get a shock when we get there...


I'll be rambling on a lot about it all in the next few weeks, and of course we'll post some pics soon after they arrive...


It's just great having people to share your enthusiasm with... :)

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I brought mine home in separate boxes...for no better reason than I had them in stock....they are pet boxes.


You will love them Ziggy....they are gorgeous little creatures.


I noticed today that my girls combs are beginning to redden...they were so pale when they arrived.


I can't believe I have had them a week already.


I was worried that they would be fussy about food....but they are perfect lodgers...they eat everything I put in front of them.


I love 'em. :lol:

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I've also put my name down for 3 ex-batt hens. I haven't a date yet, but hopefully within a month! I'm eggcited already - bought a water and food dispenser today, along with a poultry magazine to read when I'm waiting for kids to come out of school.


I'm spending the next week building a walk in run while I'm off work. It will be attached to the 8x6 ft shed that they will share with my 2 house rabbits.


I've brought home a large box from work - just in case a get the phone call early!!

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Questions coming in.... I'm sure I'll have more in time... but we are now 8 days from picking up (oh my... exciting... ), and one thing I've noticed is that the BHWT asks for a 'donation' on the day... sure, fine, I have no problem with that... but what is a suitable donation?

When I adopted my cats, there was a suggested donation, which was in fact a compulsory fee and quite high... just wondering what the BHWT expects, or what would be considered helpful?


thanks everyone

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well, the girls cost 50p each so that's the minimum you'd have to fork out. We gave them £10 for our 4 girls as we thought that was fair but it's up to you, after all, you're giving them a lovely new home which is priceless! :D



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and one thing I've noticed is that the BHWT asks for a 'donation' on the day... sure, fine, I have no problem with that... but what is a suitable donation?


I'm not sure really. I've decided to go from 3 ex-batts to getting 6-8 if possible, so I don't have to re-introduce more later. I was going to give at least £30-£40 - about 1/3 of how much it would cost me to buy from a supplier.


My local animal rescue group asked for £30 for my rabbit - but then they covered the cost of neutering and mixi which would have cost me £60, so in fact I made a saving there!

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She sounds like a great kid :) .


Oh thank you... she is an animal lover just like her mum, she'd happily rescue/adopt and cuddle everything from every specie...


She was the kind of toddler who talked to snails!!


She is wonderful at taking creepy crawlies and spiders and mice out of the house, and having a full conversation with them in the process!!


It will be great driving up with her to pick up the chooks next weekend, we'll both be very excited :)

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Hi, I collected my 10 ex battery girls last Sunday. We took massive boxes with holes in and the gentleman popped 3 into a box so we ended up leaving him a few boxes for other people. One person in front of us brought really small boxes and was most put off when he was told it was far too small to put the amount of chickens in he wanted to. He relunctently went to his car to get another one. You will love them, they are wonderful!! Clare x

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I can't believe I'm getting so worried about them... keep thinking 'will the cat carrier be big enough?', 'should I take a big cardboard box instead?'... never thought I'd fret so much...


I have layer's mash, but am wondering what to put it into? will the girls find it in the eglu grub? Or should I place it in bowls on the floor? Not sure what they are used to in their battery cages...


Sorry if that's been answered on the forum before, to be honest occasionally it's much quicker to ask a question again, than to search for ages for an existing answer... I hope no one minds...

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This was so me about 2 weeks ago! I collect mine last Sunday and I was the same as you! I have put the layers mash in a feeder and they have a drinker and they are fine with that. I am sure they will find it in your eglu thing. I have a dish (plastic plant drip holder thing) that I put supermix corn in but they stand on or in that and it ends up all over the place! I also had a large pasta dish I used for kale etc but that broke today (not their fault - husbands :x ) so he is going to get a metal dog bowl for them (hope they won't get confused! :lol: ). All they need is in the layers mash and it is what they have been used to. I do give mine pasta and kale also and a scoop of supermix corn. Mine also free range in our garden so they eat what they find too. I know it is hard but don't worry! (says she on the other side of the rollercoaster of worry!) They will fit right in and will love you loads! I have been giving them some poultry spice in the mix corn three times a week as before they are let out the they are put into darkness which brings on a moult so this helps them so I was told by the rescue co ordinator. Clare x

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Hi Ziggy :D . Now stop panicking :lol: . You are an experienced chicken keeper already! The new girls will be fine! They will find their food!


If it helps, I used a plastic council recycling box with some newspaper and shredded paper in the bottom. They're probably best cuddling up together in one box rather than rattling round in a box by themselves. It would make the journey less traumatic for them.


Good luck - but you won't need it, you'll be fine :D .

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I'm thinking about ex-batts. We currently have an eglu and a standard run , but we've spent the weekend planning a new run so we can allow our chooks lots of space as they won't get much chance to free-range (we lost our first 2 girls to foxes). I've read all the information on the bhwt website and have received an email from one of their co-coordinators.


It says that we would need to keep the ex-batts inside for a while and that they would need access to food and water. I'm guessing this means that the eglu and the run wouldn't be suitable as they'd have to go out for the food and drink. Also I work during the day so wouldn't be around to make sure that they go back in if it rains (obviously would make sure they go in in the evening and free range when I'm in the garden). We have a shed that we could make home for a while if need be - what have other people done?


In time we'd like another couple of young hens, but thought it would be easier to get the ex-batts first and get them settled in/


Sorry Zippy to hijack your thread - very excited to hear about everyone's new arrivals

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