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new friends for gladys

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hi after the sad demise of veronica we now have 2 new room mates for gladys a lovely ranger called Eiddie and a sweetie called Mavis they are so cute we had them from merrydale poultry and what a lovely place the lady was so helpful and the chickens were in good pens ,clean and healthy looking ,she only breeds for eggs no meat it cost £25 for the two of them and she suggested i put them in the nest box tonight with gladys when she has gone to bed any other helpful comments would be gratefully recieved as i am a little worried about how they will get on :?

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Congratulations. :lol:


I would get up early so that you can monitor things.


It is impossible to say how Gladys will react, but with a bit of supervision things should be OK.


It might be a good idea to rig up a couple more food and drink stations in case she gets a bit territorial over food.


IF the weather is nice tomorrow, why not let them free range together, that might help.


So might scattering treats for them to share.



Good luck.

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IF the weather is nice tomorrow, why not let them free range together, that might help.


Quick question on this...

Normally you'd keep the hens in the run so that they got an idea where their home was... Right? Then after a week or so, you let them free range.


Now if you get new chooks, but the old ones already know where home is, will the new ones just follow?


Basically, does the "week confined to the run" rule apply or not apply with new chooks to a flock?



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Personally, I would see how they get on today. If there is any s"Ooops, word censored!"ping, keep the newbies in the pen and let Gladys free range. That way she can see them and shout to her hearts content, but they get a break. Let her back in after an hour or two, but let her out again if things get too lairy. This way you can gradually increase the amount of time spent together and give the new ones a break from time to time. I would think they still need to spend the five days in the run. Chickens have been known to try to return to their old homes if let out too early.


Your new girls sound lovely - Merrydale is a great place 8)

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when I got my new girl I put her in with the existing chicken and was told to keeo them in the run together for 5 days even though the old one knew her home already so they would get used to each other - the first day there was a bit of pecking but nothing too serious and they are now best buddies. I woudl worry about the lack of himning instinct in the new chicken if I let her straight out but folk here have far more experience than me.

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Hmmmmm....fair points about the free ranging.


Like Snowy says....maybe just let Gladys out for a while if things get tricky.


On the other hand, if you let them out for half an hour and supervise them closely, it won't do any harm.


How are things this morning with them?

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well i was out this morning at 7 sat in the run with them gladys wouldnt let them out at first so i let her free range and then mavis and eiddie came out in to the small run after an hour i opened the door and glad gave them what for so i squirted her with a water pistle she stopped!!!! so now the doors are open to the garden glad is out and the newbies are hovering by the run door to the garden and as soon as she gets close they run in!!!! hopefully they will settle down in a few days fingers crossed thanks for the replies :pray:

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I've had my 3 new girls for just over a week, Saffy my surviving ex bat made sure they know she is boss but nothing more than the odd peck, they were all free ranging together the next day & they followed Saffy back in to the run easily when I threw handfulls of mixed corn in

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yes she is showing her true colours now,i feel so sorry for mavis and eidde she is such abully she wont let them or in or near her i am playing musical runs and eglu!!! when they are out shes in and vise versa there was me thinking she would welcome some pals she hates them!!! i do hope things settle down soon i am worried about the effect she will have on them.

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