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Help- passport advice needed

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OK- I'm going to Lanzarote this week, and I've just discovered my passport expires 3 days after I return. :shock::oops: My travel company states I need 6 months validity after I travel.


Help! I can't get hold of them because its Sunday, looking on the Spanish embassy website it doesn't say anything about 6 months validity so does it matter? I'm thinking I may have ruined my family's holiday and I won't be allowed to go! :cry:


Does anyone who travels frequently in Europe know how likely this is?


Please please tell me what you know- many thanks

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I've just found this online -


At the time of publication, UK citizens visiting Spain, Mallorca, Canary Islands, Portugal, Madeira and the Azores require a 10 year passport (valid for a minimum of six months at return date) and no visa, unless staying over 90 days.



I would definitely ring the passport office 1st thing tomorrow morning for advice. :)

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thanks for the responses- I am in a right old tizzy here :cry: if it turns out I do need the 6 months extra can I go to the passport office (London, Newport??) in person and get it renewed in a day??


Big queues I expect, oh I am so mad with myself (trying very hard to use polite langage here) its the first day of my children's holidays and I may have to drag them up to a passport office probably all day tomorrow???!!!



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sorry to worry you but I have just found this on the foreign and commonwealth office website -


Passport validity for spain (which canaries would come under)


A valid British passport must be held for entry to and exit from Spain. There is no minimum passport validity requirement but you should ensure that your passport is valid for the proposed period of your stay.


confusing isnt it! I would err on the side of caution and ring to check anyway!

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Thanks Chelsea!


I have been on so many different websites this last hour and have been unable to find out for sure what the situation is!!


I said to my husband I'll go post on the Omlet site and see what they say- its so brilliant to get immediate feedback on these little life crises!!!


Its just the not knowing that's maddening- I'm sure we couldn't get our money back on the travel insurance for something like this, and tbh my little family wouldn't go without me (I'm the one who has planned the entire thing and they are so looking forward to it)


This is one of those episodes to be filed under "guess what Mummy did" :roll::lol:


Thanks Christian too- yup I will ring the airline -its Monarch by the way, and plead my case!!

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No problem, i should really know this anyway :oops: !


give the airline a ring in the morning and whoever tells you "no problem you can travel with your existing passport" - get their name!! :wink:


also as a backup ring either the passport office and/or the foreign and commonwealth office just to put your mind at ease.


And if you want another backup - print that piece off of the foreign office website and carry it with you when you travel :D


have a lovely time!

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The last 2 passports I got I needed in a hurry and I queued at the London office (which I think has since moved), lied about there being a death in the family etc etc and got it turned around in one day. Having said that it's all changed now.


You can't just turn up anymore - you need to phone a rip off 0870 number and make an appointment! Also you have to pay an extra fee - on top of the already hiked up fee for renewal (when did it get so expensive??). the passport office website says its £114 to do it in a day!


It was always my understanding that you need 6 months left on your passport to travel, some airlines are VERY snotty about it - especially the low cost ones!


Lots of useful information on the passport service website.



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Hi. I have experience of this. OH needed to travel overseas and his passport ran out in less than 6 months.


He contacted the passport office, made an appointment to go down to London, was seen at the exact time stated, went away for 4 hours then picked up his new passport.


Yes it cost a lot more but he didn't lose much of a working day, the process was very efficient and he got to travel as required by work.


I hope it all works out for you.

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From my experience, if the passport expired in less than 6 months, but not much less, it wouldn't be a problem... but three days after you return is risky... the idea being that, should you be delayed in coming back for any reason (health or what not), you'd find yourself without a valid passport...


The passport office should have no problem renewing a passport in one day, a friend of mine once had his renewed in two hours, but as someone else said, it will be expensive and involve some waiting... but it would give you peace of mind when travelling to the airport for your trip...


Good luck, I feel sorry for you, this is not the kind of stress you need just before a holiday...

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My daughter did this but had a few days in hand. As Chelsea said, get proof of permission to travel if the airline will allow it.


If not,I know it can be renewed same day, but as others said, you must book your time slot with the Passport office, don't just turn up. It's hard work queuing, but fair & efficient, so instant childcare would be better than taking young children if you can. Otherwise, pack a really useful bag for a "fun" day out.


It will be expensive, but gets you on holiday, which you'll need by then!


Remember, you need to have all your form & photos ready before you go to the office. Make sure the photo perfectly matches their requirements. Daughter's photo was nearly rejected because she only had one ear showing & they said it wasn't a looking straight forwards shot. I pleaded that it was, it was just her hairstyle. Was tempted to say, yes she only has one ear as they can be a bit "jobsworth", but def. don't make jokes!


Just be honest, they have this all the time & you'll get it, after a very exhausting day, if you have the required payment & paperwork.


I know how wrecked you must feel about it, but it can be done either through Passport office visit or with definite permission from airline.

Def. say Lanzarote, as Canaries aren't regarded same as mainland Spain for some technicalities.


What am I saying; I'll go in your place! :lol:


You'll have a great time in Lanzarote & I really like Monarch.


Best wishes, & let us know how you get along. :)

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A friend of mine had to get his passport renewed in a hurry recently. We have a passport office in Liverpool but because they had no appaointments available, he had to travel to Peterborough (I think - is there a passport office there?) somewhere miles away anyway, but it was all done in a day.

Good luck and let us know how it turns out.

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I can't remember if anyone has suggested ringing the Spanish embassy, when we went Portugal last year middle daughter only had a few weeks left on her passport and I rang the embassy and they said it was fine as long as it was valid for her entire stay (which it was) Whcih reminds me, she needs a new one!

ANyway, hope you get it sorted cheaply and quickly


Mrs B

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update- I AM going on holiday!! phew but I'm completely drained...


phoned the passport office - they said phone the airline

phoned the holiday company- they said phone the Spanish embassy


so I phoned the embassy who had a recorded message saying that a valid passport was needed for entry and exit with NO MINIMUM VALIDITY upon return.


phoned the holiday company back- they gave me the airline phone number and customer services said no problem- I just need a valid passport. Asked for their name- they would only give me their first name :roll: but that will have to suffice- I WILL BE ON THAT PLANE!!!


Thank you all for your kind advice, I'm off to get another chamomile tea to calm down :lol:

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Asked for their name- they would only give me their first name :roll: but that will have to suffice- I WILL BE ON THAT PLANE!!!





That is correct, they cant give out surnames because of security reasons :roll: at least you have one.


Glad you got it sorted :)

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