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for the attention of the horse lovers on here

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ahhhh, what's his name? do you ride him or does he just potter around? :D

He is called Minstrel and I learned to ride on him many years ago. No one rides him now... he retired a few months ago after giving many many years loyal service at the yard where I keep my own pony Connie.Here she is. :D


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Minstral looks very contented and a lucky boy to have such a good retirement home.


I've got a chestnut gelding but at 14 he is not ready yet for retirement. In fact he was a bit of a prat today. He didn't bat an eyelid when a 7ton lorry drove past him but took fright at a group of youth hostlers with rucksacks :roll::oops: Don't you just love 'em.

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Up to about 35, give or take, depends on how hardy they are and what kind of life they have had.... my Wizard is 'high mileage' and has cancer on his Gentleman's Area so probably wont make it past 25 :(


Blimey 35? :shock: I never knew that!


So sorry to hear about Wizard, at least he's seeing out his days with you and in good care. :)

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I used to help out with a small RDA group where the ponies were only ridden gently once a week. They were a real group of OAPS. Zebedee (an exmoor) was the oldest, he died at the grand old age of 34. Toby (part welsh) is still going strong at 29, out to pasture and enjoying his retirement 8) My favourite was Napoleon (Roly Poly) a little, fat, black shetland with the devil in him. He taught my oldest son to ride, but died of cancer at 20 :cry:


Minstrel and Connie look gorgeous Chickenlass! 8)

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Ahhhh, what lovely photos.


Connie looks beautifully turned out, you must spend ages grooming her lovely grey coat.



My old TB died aged 22, but had quite a hard life as he'd been a race-horse, then a grade-A professional's showjumper, and then a grand-prix dressage horse, then a 3* Eventer - all before the age of 12 when I bought him for a much easier life as a hack and occasional local shows.


A pony I many years ago was reputed to be in his 40's and still going strong!


DD is off on an Own-A-Pony Day tomorrow, and is really excited!! :lol::lol: I just hope it stays dry.

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gorgeous photos thanks. At the riding school I go to we have a pony who is just coming up 41 and still working! They did try to retire him when he was about 30 but the place he went to asked them to take him back as he was so unhappy and started seizing up. So Gem still lives at the stables and takes the tots trots "15 minute taste lessons for the under 5s, he's hard to catch when he's been turned out as well and totally barrel rolled a trainee last October. He's so lovely

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connie is gorgeous, I'm guessing a connemara because of the name? are you the headless horsewoman with her? :lol:


i was horse mad when i was younger but was allergic to them so had to give up riding in the end, can't even go near a horse without having an asthma attack now :cry:


i had posters of ponies everywhere in my bedroom :lol: For my 10th birthday i got fully kitted out with harry hall riding gear, a very happy birthday that one :D

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