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Hi, just thought I would write and intoduce myself as I am new to the forum and to chickens in general!


Have bought a green eglu (thanks to Chelsea) and got three hens just under 2 weeks ago. I am very proud to say that I have had my first egg today. Small but perfectly formed! :D


The chickens seem to be settling in fine. We tried letting them out the run the other evening but only one wanted to come out as the others are still quite nervous. It seems quite scary to let them out as they are still quite flighty. Has everyone else got over this fear?! Any tips? :?:

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Hi, welcome to the forum, i'm quite new myself. Had my girls for nearly 6 weeks i'm hoping to get eggs soon lol


I let mine out into the garden after about 5 days and only Amber came out the first time. I let them out about half an hour before they would normally go to bed so about 7- 7.15 at the moment so they were fairly quiet and took themselves off to bed. The next night they all came out for about half an hour and just increased it each night, till they come out any time now.

I stayed out with them but just talked quietly and sat still the first couple of times, i thought they would never relax lol now i open the back door and they run down the garden to me :D everyone said they would but they seemed so flighty like you say!

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Welcome to the forum! I've had my girls for two weeks (no sign of eggs! :roll: ) When we first let them out (after 2 days :oops: ) they all came out but I was terrified of not getting them back in! Chatting to them and feeding them treats have done the trick! Pearl is still quite nervous but we can stroke her, Opal and Ruby come charging over the minute you step out the door! They are both easy to handle and try to come in the back door at every opportunity!! :lol: Try feeding them treats out of your hand - they'll soon cotton on what you are there for!

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I thought feeding them out of your hand was a good idea but Amber hurts when she pecks at the food now so dont think i'll be doing that anymore. Ebony is ok but she has a small bit of her top beak missing so she cant hurt.

Amber doesnt try and peck when you pick her up though just with food so treats go in the treat bowl now!

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Welcome to the forum Camper_chick. I'm also a new chicken owner. I've had mine now for 3 weeks. I first let mine out to free range about one hour before their bedtime. Everytime they wandered further than I wanted them to I rattled their treat container and they came back. Now they stay around me waiting for me to give them their favourite treats - grapes and meal worms.


They will all now take the treats from my hand and even sit on my knee to get them :D If something scares them then they do fly about a bit but soon settle and come scuttling back. I am getting more confident with them each day and they are out for longer and longer depending on how long a want to sit in this cold weather we're having at the moment. I wouldn't leave mine alone because we have foxes around.


Good luck and I hope you enjoy them as much as I am.

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Welcome to the forum Camper-Chick. I'm new too, only had mine three weeks and still waiting impatiently for eggs although they're scoffing everything in sight.


I only let mine out for about an hour a day and was leaving them to find their own way back in. (Very scary at first as the first couple of nights they couldn't even find the eglu in the run let alone if they were out in the garden!) The last couple of days they've started doing so much damage that I've fenced them off with the Omlet netting and then lured them back in with mealworms or corn. Coco's getting wise to it though and legged it as soon as the others were back in the run last night :roll:

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Hi there, remember when you were little and if you went somewhere different, how Big it all seemed??? Imagine being a chicken!! Esp an ex batt!! Wow. there's a thought..... give them time, and patience, and a taste for whatever currently grows in yr garden, it'll soon be a fond memory..!! At least all yr pooh(the hens, not yrs :oops: ) will all be up together for a little while longer!!

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Hi and welcome to the forum.Weve had our girls about the same time as you and I too was terrified of letting them out. What I do now (thanks to advice from people on this forum) is use treats to get them in - i ring a bell shout chick chick chick :oops: and throw raisins or corn into the run. It seems to work a treat - so far :wink:

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I'm worried about letting mine out as well. The breeder advised me to keep them in two whole weeks as they are still quite young. I've got another week to go. I'm really looking forward to letting them out but scared at the same time!


This afternoon the little Cochin pecked some corn out of my hand, a very gentle peck, she didn't actually get any corn in her beak but she's definitely got the idea!! :D

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Thanks everyone, its great to have some advice.


My chooks are very interested in corn and The Lone Ranger will eat out of my hand. The very tip of her beak is broken off so it doesn't hurt at all. Will definately try sitting with them next week.


Another egg today! I think it will take some time for the novelty to wear off!! :D

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Thanks everyone, its great to have some advice.


My chooks are very interested in corn and The Lone Ranger will eat out of my hand. The very tip of her beak is broken off so it doesn't hurt at all. Will definately try sitting with them next week.


Another egg today! I think it will take some time for the novelty to wear off!! :D

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Hi camper chick and welcome to the forum. Ive had my girls 1 year and 4 days now and the novelty of finding an egg in the morning never wears off!!! :oops:


My girls will feed from my hand although sometimes they can be alittle rough! I think you get 'peckened' fingers eventually though and it doesn't hurt so much. Good luck with your girls i can remember the thrill and butterflies of it all as though it was yeaterday.



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You find this forum great for all things chickeny - I too was scared to let my chooks out but impatient and after 7 days I started letting them out 20mins before their bed time and built it up from there now they free range off and on during my days at home. Suprisingly easy to round them up - but they get peskier every day (we are on day 22 of chicken owning) so we'll see if this carrys on or if they get to cheeky and refuse to be 'cubed' up


Susie :)

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