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Dharma chick

Up date on MYRTLe and sad news

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Hi everyone,

Here is one of our most recent pictures of Myrtle - Our ex-battery pin up girl who was very bold when we first had her.


This is what she looks like now with her punky feathers




This is what she used to look like:




Isn't she gorgeous?


Sadly, of the 8 that we rescued we lost Blossom this morning - She became unwell very quickly. As the vet lifted her out the basket she passed away. She loved her free life and was into everything - very much enjoying her cuddles. She will be missed.





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poor little blossom, night night little girl xxxx


Looks like Myrtle is coming on very well bless her. Must have been a horrible place they came from judging by the look of her but she's living the high life now, give her a cuddle and some meal worms from me, she's a sweet girl.


Keep us updated.



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Thankyou all for your kind thoughts. When we picked them from the BHWT we were told that the farmer had not looked after these girls and that they were in apoor condition. At least he gave them a chance of life!


Yes they will be having extra cuddles and i must admit that i will get my friend to give them the meal worms - i do not like touching them!! :oops:

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What a lovely, but sad post. I'm sad you have lost one, but as somebody else said, what a lovely life she had in the end. It breaks my heart to see the ex bats looking so ill treated. What you are doing is absolutely brilliant, and that goes for anybody else rescuing battery hens. You are all marvellous. Maybe I'll be brave enough to take on the challenge one day.

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Yeah sorry about Blossom, at least you gave her a nice time and she lived her last days happy and free. If you don't like the meal worms just sprinkle them out of the tub and on the grass or floor, that's what we do. Myrtle is coming along lovely bless, keep those feathers coming! :D

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The piccies of rescue chickens always have me welling up. It's brought it home to me even more since having my own chickens just how protective and respectful you feel over an animal that's producing food for you. How these farmers can willingly put them through this I don't know. Not just blaming farmers, I know there's a bigger picture but they see it firsthand.


Sorry to hear about Blossom, I'm glad she had a little happiness. If I ever get more chooks I would like to get battery birds now I've had a little experience.

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