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your blogs guys!

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can everyone who keeps a blog please make an effort to keep them updated or remove the link from your signatures or your WWW boxes ;)


I'm very nosey and love to know what you're all up to and some of them make cracking reading, very informative and entertaining. It's very frustrating to see blogs that haven't been updated for months on end, you know who you are! ;):D

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Personally I think its up to each individual if they want to link to an un updated blog - anyone who is interested in updates can sign up for emails to say when they have been updated after all :lol:


Okay Sarah, it was just meant as a light hearted reminder, after all some people on here have very interesting blogs and it is frustrating to click on links that haven't been updated in eons. I wouldn't know how to sign up for an e mail reminder but I get enough e mails as it is :lol:

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.... however I love the pic of Martin!


it's great isn't it? I love Martin's blog, he has such varied interests and writes so eloquently, I love to keep up with what he's up to :lol:

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Don't think anyone would be interested in what I'd be adding to mine this week - had a rubbish week's holiday, split up from OH of 4 years, middle daughter who lives with her dad as I couldn't cope with her, has beens staying with me for a fortnight as her dad couldn't cope with her :roll: - there, has that cheered everyone up? :lol:

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Thanks everyone - your hugs are making me well up, didn't think I had any tears left - was going to start a thread on how much I hate men but I think we've done that one before :lol:


I thought I'd truly found my soul-mate after wee Anna's dad died, but he's done a gradual disappearing trick over the last few weeks - I must have been a really bad person in a past life, cos I seem to be getting punished in this one :roll:

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I must have been a really bad person in a past life, cos I seem to be getting punished in this one :roll:


I thought exactly the same too, but it's not the case. You have just unfortunately picked the wrong one. I'm sure things will get better for you. Keep smiling.



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I must have been a really bad person in a past life, cos I seem to be getting punished in this one :roll:


Fee.........life just sometimes likes to try us bit too much and a bit too often. I really feel for you..........sending ((((big big hugs))))



I have often thought what have I done so wrong for life to throw what it has at me.......my hubby was killed in a motorcyle accident 12 years ago, leaving me with 2 young (age 3 and 1) children to bring up, I had just started to get over that after 4 long years when my Dad was diagnosed with cancer that had been detected too late and he sadly died 6 months later, 3 years later when I thought life couldn't throw anything else at me, I was very ill and as a result will be in pain in my hands, arms, feet and legs for the rest of my life.


I only tell you this because I want you to know that Life isn't picking on you or making you pay..........It's hard when life keeps knocking you down and you have to keep picking yourself up over and over again.........but keep this in mind.......if this life is so pants think how great the next one will be :wink::D


Cry if you need to, scream it helps, but never blame yourself

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Thank you Pam - I'm sorry you've had it tough too.Your life sounds so like mine though - friend and mum died within a few months of each other, then Anna's dad died in the same week my dad was diagnosed with bowel cancer - he died 4 months later. Then I had recurrent cellulitis in my hand with a resulting lymphoedema and had to retire from nursing.


We should get together and commiserate - with a stiff drink and a box of hankies :lol:

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