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I must be even more sad :!::D:!::D we're an hour ahead ofyou...it's 01:10 here, but then I'm retired and my purple cube ain't here yet so I've only the dogs to get up for. OH gets himself up! Having said that, as much as I love my life here, we miss out on some really important things...like Henrys' [ my 3yr old grandson] birthday party today! {his other nan and grandad were there and of course they see a lot more of them than we do but that was our choice to move here so C'est la vie!

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Why am I up at this late hour? Good question. Mostly down to not doing my work during the day, I decided it was more important to spend time with the boys and I could work in peace and quiet once they had gone to bed. Now I'm so wide awake I'm considering cleaning the bathrooms (but I won't, that would be seriously mad.)


My main excuse for being up is that there just aren't enough hours in the day - and I did get a lie in until 8 this morning :)


At least I know I'm not alone :D


Off to read another chapter of my current book in bed now so night night everyone x

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I've been trying to go to bed for ages :roll: . But ..... it's always interesting when there's a, how do I put it, "character" posting non-Omleteer type views....


...and that's exactly why I'm here, although I just made the tea while Christian did the work. :lol:

Thanks for washing the mugs, I did rinse the teapot.


Also same as the others, peace at last in our household, it's my only quiet time.

How about you, H&Schickens?


Oops, getting up early for work, night, night!

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I try and fit it in whichever way... some night I'm up to 1am trying to get the most of the quiet and peace with 4 lil devils suddenly appearing like snoring angels... If I'm too exhausted to stay up late, I'm in bed early and wake up earlier to come downstairs and listen to the quietness (is that a word? not sure) with a cup of hot tea... it's bliss then...


Off to wake them up to get ready for school... they've only been back a week but I wish they were on holiday again!!

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