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Water, water everywhere but not a drop to....

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...shower in!!!


Our drains get blocked so frequently here its awful. Poor Dyno-rod have to keep coming out and saving us!!!


On christmas eve, it happened.


On 18th Feb it happened.


and its happened again!!!!!


The main from the water company, Severn Trent said its all the elderly people putting fat etc down the plug hole. But it cant be tht surely?


By the way, if you see a blonde gal walking around shropshire, who looks like she sleeps in a chip pan, Thats ME!


My hair gets so bad if its not washed everyday! ARGH!



Worst of all, it costs £240 a time , we all have to put in £12 which i know isnt alot, but still!

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The week we moved into our old house we had to get Dynorod out to unblock our drains. Turned out the silly moo that lived in the house before us was flushing nappies down the loo. :evil::evil::evil:

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When I was in my youth we lived in the country and at the end of our lane was a kennels (and at the beginning of the sewer), they used to flush all manner of stuff down the drain, by the time it had made it as far as our house it was pretty bad and used to block all too often.


My Dad invested in some drain rods and industrial strength rubber gloves............many a happy hour I spent unbunging the drain :cry: fortunately I don't have a very good sense of smell!

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The main from the water company, Severn Trent said its all the elderly people putting fat etc down the plug hole. But it cant be tht surely?

Unfortunately it can be caused by that Laura, our neighbour's had the same problem as they kept doing that. The problem is fat is resistant to water and forms and emulsion and then the fat gets caught and stuck onto the pipes. (I think anyway, it sounds like a reasonably sensible suggestion)

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Unfortunately there are people who empty the chip pan down the loo and not all of them are elderly. Our neighbour did on Xmas Eve then went away for a week, leaving us with blocked loos for Xmas.


When we mentioned that we'd had to get the water board and plumbers out at Xmas, he just shrugged and told us that it might have been the chip fat that he drained from his deep fat fryer, but didn't even attempt to apologise. :twisted:


This was the 3rd time in 3 years that we'd had to foot the bill for someone else blocking the drains.

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Has the poo gone..... :vom:


My hair is exactly the sameLaura. It's got used to a shower everday and gets greasy vety quickly because of it. You'll find though that your hair will have extra life when it does get a wash!


It might be worth asking Severn trent to supply the area with a list of Do's and don't to prevent this from happening time after time.

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Yes, the poo has gone, for now!


They found out that old peoples sanitary wear for when they cant control it, has been flushed down sadly.


They mostly all have 'carers' that dont actually seem to care!!!!!


Whoever said nappies was close i spose.


I'm hoping that it doesnt happen again! Its quite stressful espcially as the chicks knocked their water over, and i had to walk for 20 mins to go get them some more in a bottle. Luckily i has a drop left in the filt jug for them. Otherwise i would have been stressing!

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