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Madwoman ranting!!

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Don’t you just hate it when your husband/partner uses your electric bikini trimmer to trim his side burns and drains the batteries?!?



I think we'd better put it to the pubic vote...






I don't think anyone else noticed, Phil!!!!

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:lol::lol: He did, didn't he! Maybe there are some things he just doesn't want to know about! :?



I already know more than I ever wanted to know - the missus got me to pull off the waxy things on her DIY bikini-line waxing-kit last year....(she was too scared to do it!) - final proof that S&M is not for me,,,


in the end she looked like a plucked chicken.. why do ladies do this to themselves? I've heard the frondy-look is IN this year...



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Well, I have been 'nesting' today and have completely blitzed the sitting room. You could eat your dinner off the hearth it's so clean. My hubby has the most annoying habit of stuffing used plastic bags down the back of the books on the book shelf. I've found 15 today. (not quite as bad as the razor, but blummin' annoying when you spend hours keeping the place clean and in order :roll: )


Feet and back are aching some :?


Ha, worked it out! Must be a man thing because my husband has that habit of eating something from the kitchen cupboard and putting the empty wrapper back. Think I will shut up now. Am painting a bit of a bad picture! :D:D

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I use an epilator on my legs & The Hubby gets me to wax his back.


Last summer he wanted a wax just before we went away.

I got a strip,slapped it on,whipped it off & neither of us realised he had sunburn........


Of course that left a big baldy bit on the middle of his back,which would have looked ridiculous,so I had to finish the job :?


The girls came in to watch too - it was VERY entertaining :wink:


He somtimes shaves his armpits as he does manulal work & gets hot,which gives him a horrible sore rash.Having no hair under his arms stops the rash (but makes him look a bit girly!)

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I use an epilator on my legs & The Hubby gets me to wax his back.


Last summer he wanted a wax just before we went away.

I got a strip,slapped it on,whipped it off & neither of us realised he had sunburn........


Of course that left a big baldy bit on the middle of his back,which would have looked ridiculous,so I had to finish the job :?


The girls came in to watch too - it was VERY entertaining :wink:


Ouch! :shock: Got to hurt :cry:

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