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mooncup . no more tampons and pads!

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Yes Helen. I posted a few up the list from here. As I said, Very impressed with how easy and clean it was: Easy to take out without spilling anything, just tipped it down the loo and used loo roll to wipe it out.

Just wish mine weren't so heavy as taking it out so many times did make me a little sore.

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Has anyone on here actually used this device? I like the theory but it all sounds just a bit too messy...


I've used one for a while - it's fab, and a lot less messy than you might think. Honestly, I would recommend it to anyone!

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OK. so getting down to details....


I'm not good at 'insertion' of any kind, especially fiddly lilets type things. Pessaries make me uncomfortable. How easy is it to put in?


The good thing is, you can practise loads without wasting anything, like you would if you were practising with tampons, for instance.


It's FAB!

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I used for the first time a few weeks ago and found it very good. the only problems I had was at work (see my earlier posting on the subject). I too got a litte sore but I used a KY lubricant, although I have since found Durex do a small spray which fits in yr handbag.


You must cut the stalk down to size for it to be comfortable and yes at first it was a bit arkward to put in and take out but everything comes with practice - my next time I will be a bit more confident in using it and yes I am very glad I made the change and yes I would definately recommend them.



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It's great at night - the first couple of nights I use it and use a towel, just in case of any leaks, but it really does hold a lot more than a tampon, so I have had minimal leaking.

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Yeah it's really good when it's in properly....but oooh when it's not :oops:

It's only my second month so i'll get used to it, it's wonderful at night that's where i used to have problems!!


I find it hard to get out too :oops: i found if you push the side you release the suction tho :oops: (nasty)

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Well iv'e finished today :D and i'm really pleased that iv'e stuck with it, it's so nice to not have to remember tampons where ever you are. I have also found that if you can remove it with the front coming out first (if that makes sence) it's alot less uncomfortable :oops:



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I hope that you get on ok Linda - I am afraid that I have given up on mine, which is a real shame as I so wanted to use one. I was speaking to the nurse when I went in for the old annual check up (she uses a Mooncup too) and she reckons that it's due to my muscle tone :shock: that it's so hard to put in and take out :roll::oops: . oh well, I suppose that at least it's good news that my pelvic floor is in good nick, so I will just be senile in my old age rather than senile and incontinent!

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