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little chickadee

Maze Nightmare

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We got back yesterday from a lovely weekend away in our caravan in Thetford forest. Lovely apart from being eaten alive by bugs and..............................


We had the worst 1hr20mins of our life as we went into a maze in a different part of Theford forest (not actually a maze, just a load of trees which look exactly like the rest of the forest) Our Autistic 6yr old son ran off ahead while OH went to find a dog poo bin for 5 mins, when he got back we couldn't find him. Searched for another 5 minutes before My daughter and I went to the visitor centre to report him missing. Got the rangers out.


After an hour the police were called. I then lost it and was blubbing like a baby. 3 lads in their early 20s turned up with him after 1hr 20 minutes. Our son couldn't find us, so he just kept on walking. He was miles away - so far away the rangers hadn't looked there for him. The lads were on the red cycle trail (only over 12's are allowed on there because it's too fast for littlies) The saw him in the woods and somehow managed to persuade him to come back to the visitors centre. Apparently we had done the stranger danger thing well because he really didn't want to go with them! There was a family walking back with him too at the end. He doesn't seem in the slightest bit fazed by it - I think he still thinks he was just wandering around the maze the whole time. Scary Scary moments.

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Good Grief. What a total nightmare. Thats a very scary story. So glad all worked out well.

A friend of mine lost her daughter one night. She is a sleepwalker and she let herself out of the house and set off out for a walk. My friend got up and found her missing. Rang the police and she was found asleep on a grass verge outside a school about a mile or two away.


It makes your blood run cold. Poor you. So pleased all is ok.

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