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Mrs Frugal

Elderflower Champagne and Elderflower Cordial

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I'm no expert, CM, but I found the longer you leave the fizz, the clearer it gets, and the more sediment at the bottom. I think it's just the pollen which would normally be still suspended in the drink when it is fresher, so to speak. The bottle I gave away a couple of weeks ago had virtually no sediment but the last one I have does have a fair bit. The one I opened in February also had a lot, but I filled four large glasses carefully for guests and threw the dregs out!

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I went out picking elderflowers this morning. I found loads, and picked about 3 to 6 flowerheads off each bush I came across. I now have 18 litres of champagne brewing, and three lots of the cordial recipe. I could've picked a lot more. Some elder had already gone over, and the flowers were brown. Most flowers are still to open though. I'll pick another bagful in a fortnight and then leave everything else to produce berries for autumn.


I also found lots of raspberries growing wild, huge areas of brambles, and I'm sure I smelt some wild garlic too. Found absolutely hundreds of blackthorn as well :D


Never thought there would be such rich pickings in a city!


Oh, watched a kingfisher swooping up and down a river too 8)

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I went out elderflower picking yesterday, there were quite a few flowerheads open, but even more still to come. I started my first batch of cordial yesterday and have just bottled it up this morning. It's so lovely - smells of summer :D

I'm going to invest in a set of swing top bottles this year and bottle the rest up a la River Cottage method so that it will keep for a year... or is that just wishful thinking?! :lol:

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Our trees have just started to flower here now so nearly time to get cracking. I am really in to demerara sugar at the moment. Does anyone see a reason not to use that? Also, I freeze the cordial as last time I left it in bottles at room temperature it turned into fizz and exploded. Is that what everyone else does?

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I can't think of a reason why not to use demerara, CM. Can you report back on your findings please :D


I've frozen the elderberry cordial before, with no ill effect, but that's not fizzy. I know the cordial shouldn't be fizzy, but mine is as well! Do you think it would need close inspection as it thaws?

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  Charlottechicken said:
I can't think of a reason why not to use demerara, CM. Can you report back on your findings please :D


Will do - I suspect it will not be a particularly attractive colour but I don't mind :D Plan to start making some this weekend. Our trees are nowhere as good as last year :?
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  Chucky Mama said:
  Charlottechicken said:
I can't think of a reason why not to use demerara, CM. Can you report back on your findings please :D


Will do - I suspect it will not be a particularly attractive colour but I don't mind :D Plan to start making some this weekend. Our trees are nowhere as good as last year :?


I'm not sure elderflower cordial is a particularly attractive colour anyway... at least it always reminds me of something else! :shock::lol:

I invested in a dozen swing top bottles yesterday so will be going out to pick more elderflowers today. I made 2 litres of cordial a couple of weeks ago and it's disappearing fast, so I need to make a goodly amount to last me for a few months.

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Got my first ever batch of elderflower fizz on the go. Doubled up on some of the flower heads as there weren't many large flower heads. Lots of cut stems so obviously a few people do this round these 'ere parts :wink: I didn't wash the flower heads though - I thought it would get rid of some of the pollen? It's also being strained so any bugs will hopefully get caught up in the straining bag. Is a jelly bag finer than muslin?


Almost had it with a hint of cow parsley! Luckily I had a closer look at the flower head YD picked *phew* :lol:

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  bluekarin said:
I didn't wash the flower heads though - I thought it would get rid of some of the pollen? It's also being strained so any bugs will hopefully get caught up in the straining bag. Is a jelly bag finer than muslin?



Yes you need to keep all the pollen as that is where the wild yeast will be.

I don't strain mine too finely, muslin is fine.

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  Alis girls said:
I was covering mine and found a fly in it - washed elderflowers well too :vom: hope it doesnt affect flavour. Does anyone use the berries in anything?


Don't wash the elderflowers, you need the pollen! I leave everything in mine, thunderbugs and all, they get strained out, well, most of them do :lol:


Berry recipes will no doubt appear in Autumn, elderberry cordial is lovely!

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  Lavenders_Blue said:
  Chucky Mama said:
  Charlottechicken said:
I can't think of a reason why not to use demerara, CM. Can you report back on your findings please :D


Will do - I suspect it will not be a particularly attractive colour but I don't mind :D Plan to start making some this weekend. Our trees are nowhere as good as last year :?


I'm not sure elderflower cordial is a particularly attractive colour anyway... at least it always reminds me of something else! :shock::lol:

I invested in a dozen swing top bottles yesterday so will be going out to pick more elderflowers today. I made 2 litres of cordial a couple of weeks ago and it's disappearing fast, so I need to make a goodly amount to last me for a few months.


Well,the batch made with demerara is bottled. The sugar too a while to dissolve in the boiling water and I did worry as it smelled strongly of the sugar during this bit. However, the smell went when it all cooled and it is lovely. It has the colour of golden syrup so doesn't look too much like a urine sample and it is possibly a little more syrrupy but it tastes fab :D

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