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Advice for settling in my girls

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I am soon to be the proud owner of 6 pure/rare breed girls, going back to collect them on Sunday 31st.

I am more nervous (and excited) about making sure they are happy, safe, contented and well adjusted then I ever was about my cats/dogs/horses :D


I have done my research –

- read lots of books & forums - check

- attended a hen party - check (thanks Christian :clap: )

- decent breeder – check

- good secure house (Cube coming tomorrow) - check

- nice organic food and treats – check


Does anyone have any advice on settling them in, and getting to know them? Do I need to get them into a routine or anything? They will be 17 weeks old, and will be kept as pets with the added bonus of eggs. We live in a suburban area, and they will have quite a large garden to range in.


Thoughts appreciated :?

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Hi there :D


I would stick to a routine with regards to letting them free range and treat times etc.. and let them get on with the rest :!: They have lots of company so they will be fine.

Our two settled in really quickly, we had our first egg not long after getting them :wink:


(green eglu)

(Bluebelle)-Barbara !egg! 28/07/08- Currently on !egg! strike!

(Bluebelle)-Margot !egg! 04/08/08- Currently on !egg! strike!

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You must be so excited!!!

I have four .... want more

I kept mine in for a week before letting them free-range and made sure I was in all day the first time they explored the garden. I also make sure I call them into their run for their treats. That way I can get them in any time I need to. I also took every opportunity to pick them up at first so that they become tame and easily handled.

Have a great time!!!

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I use the same metal dish for treats, they will then follow you anywhere if you carry the dish :D


Our first two we kept in their run for five days as instructed and fed them treats from the 'treat dish' to get them used to it.


Enjoy your new girls, they are more fun than you would ever imagine :!:



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Just keep them in their run for the first week, handle them in the evening when they are dopey and more acquiescent, maybe offer them a bit of marmite on toast or yogurt on the first day to give them a bit of a boost.


Don't worry about a routine - my experience is that they settle into one that suits them.


I do always make the same sound when i give them treats (a clicking or chucking noise, like geeing a horse) which means when i want them to come to me, i just make that sound and they come barrelling over at top speed. Running hens - it never gets old! :lol::lol:


Have fun!

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Hi ya and congrats on getting chooks, wise move!


We just left ours in their run for 5 days then let them out to free range. We let ours out each day after 5pm except on weekends they have longer cause we around more. Just be careful when they free range in case of foxes if you get them? They do learn quite quickly when it's time to come out, ours start pacing up and down in the run just before! and they jump up at us as we open the door!

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You'll find a lot just comes "naturally" :D as ANH said try keep them in the run for 5 days.. I managed 4 :oops: but I also sat in the run with them the first few days and they soon became hand tame.. a regular treat bowl is essential as they will follow this ..and stops your hands getting so sore from "attacks"


They will settle in fine but you will waste the days away watching and worrying :lol:


Best of luck!

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