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minimum chickens

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I want to give my chickens (when I eventually get them) the best life I can. Only allowed two hmmm. The cube would give maximum run space and room for extras but would the house be too cold in winter with just two chickens? I have looked at alternatives but then the runs are narrow. I work so they would be in the run most days.


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Most advice I have seen recommends a minimum of 3 chickens as if you lose one there is still 2 for company! Several that have got 2 have said they wish they had got 3. Maybe show your OH some of these posts and try and convince him! :D I am sure someone who knows far more than me will come along soon and be able to give you much more knowledgeable advice! :eh:


Could you have an eglu inside a bigger run if you want a bigger run than they come with? :think:

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If you are sure you are definitely only going to get 2 (or 3 :wink: ) then I would suggest the eglu rather than the cube. You can always get a converter and extension segments to add length to the run if you want to increase their "floorspace".


I'm not speaking from experience of a cube, mind you, but my girls always look so toasty warm in their little eglu. :)

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Yes 3 sounds a good number :) . Ill definately wish I had more. Had enough challenges to get agreement to two.

Read something on another site about hens freezing to death in too big a house. How about a big fluffy toy hen to cuddle :D

Cant do the extension bit got a squarish area 10ft x 9ft.

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I have 3 hens in my cube with run extension as I work too and in the winter they will be in a lot of the time. Mine are heavier breeds and I think the cube is more suited to bigger hens. I like the height it gives them in the run (and from a safety aspect if a cat or fox was to jump on the roof they would not be so close).

Once you have had your hens for a little while the idea of one or two more might be easier for your OH.

My three chooks cuddle up together at night and I think they are pretty hardy so hopefully won't be cold in the winter.

Good luck

(cube green)

Kirsty (Light Sussex)

Gemma (Gold laced Wyandottte)

Winnie (Blue laced Wyandotte)

(green eglu)



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Yes thanks for that. They will be able to be out in garden (sloping part and flat bit at top Im not supposed to let chickens on :wink: ) at weekends and evenings but I dont want them to be stressed, so happy with the run for two with perches, flower pot, dust bath etc. if I eventually lose one perhaps Ill dig part of the hill out to make room for an extension to accommodate more.

Guess two cuddled together in cube isnt much difference to three when Ive read on the forum about the number that cram into an eglu out of choice :o

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I've only got two chickens (had them for a couple of years) and they are perfectly happy in the standard Eglu and run. 8)


I wish with hindsight that I had got three purely from the point of view mentioned above that if one dies you still have two left so you don't get a lonely hen all of a sudden!


I had persuaded OH that we 'needed' a cube or a run extension so we can get more chickens....and then he was made redundant so the money had to go on more boring things instead (like food :roll: ). He's back in work again now so perhaps one day we'll get more chickens! He agreed to it so long as he could choose a chicken of his own :D Progress! :lol:

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This thread has disturbed me a bit.

I`ve got two chickens from Omlet and it sounds as though I`ve done a wrong thing.

Is it always a bad idea?

I haven`t got room for a run extension.



Eileen, it's not a bad idea, don't worry. If you only have room for 2, then you're providing perfectly acceptable accommodation for them with a standard run. The chances are both your girls will live a long and happy life - it's only the possibility of losing one that makes people make the decision to get three.


If you don't have room for an extension you don't have room for 3 hens so you're doing the right thing :) .

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i got 3 ex bats & 2 pick on 1 they are blurry horrid. In Eglu . built extension 8ft by 4 still vile, got hen 3 a rescue bird for pal.

don't feel bad about only 2 if somthing horrid happens & you are lrft eith 1, you can be her friend till you can get another feathered friend. 2 are horid to other 2 but at least mine can free range together cos they can eascape. can't see them ever all being in run unless I get bunper bits for nasty pair! :cry:

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Well cube now on order with 2 hens :dance::dance::dance: and guess what my wonderful, beautiful OH has read this thread and now trying to persuade me to get 3. :D Shant need to chuck him out Jackie. :D

He's also choosing names :lol: come up with

Ken and Mary (Kentucky and Maryland) :roll:

Kilo, Foxtrot and Charlie (KFC) :roll:

Grackle, Pigeon and Sparrow (birds he spent all last week feeding on our hotel balcony in Barbados) :roll:

Good fun eh?


Hope your chooks are a bit happier Sandy. (Edited to add this and improve spelling)

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Glad to hear you have 3 hens plus cube on order.


2 hens are absolutely fine but I personally would say 3 is a good number based on my own experience. We ordered 4 hens from Omlet and 1 hen was sickly and died 14 days later. If we had only had 2 it would have left a very lonely lady. Luckily we were still left with 3. Sorry to be so grim, it is very, very, very rare to loose one so early but it did happen to me.

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Poor you Katy that must have been so hard after the excitement of waiting. I'm a realist and know there's going to be rough patches as well as fun times with them.


At the moment I'm walking round with a silly grin on my face. Just been to our local patchwork and quilting group. We had such a laugh they couldnt believe how much I am spending on 3 hens and accomodation (less than my sewing machine!) and that I won't be wringing their necks when they stop laying but keeping them and just adding another couple. (Farmers wives :roll: ). One friend there is now getting 4 hens and another is feeling left out and considering the large garden she has and her mum had hens - wont be long and shell be looking on the forum.

Now how many days to go? Just off to write a shopping list - plastic rake, flower pot for dustbath, some mealworms, .................................................................... :D

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I would just like to add that I wish I was as lucky as you lot! I got 3 ex bats as suggested & allowed & 2 turned our to be in love, & they bullied the 3rd mercilessly, I still cannot shut them in their Eglu run together (she's injured right now so couldn't be trying. have got a run on order from avaries4U & am hoping that the added space/heoght will help, or it's bumper bits for them!

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