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Attractive Compost Caddy

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I realise that looks aren't everything but lets face they help, and I can't find a good looking compost caddy anywhere, apart from a ceramic version, which would last all off 5 minutes in my household.


I did have a green caddy, but to be frank that was ugly :( and too large , as I do like to keep it handy on the worktop.



Any help you helpful lot can offer would be much appreciated. :D

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I bought a supposedly attrtactive ceramic caddy from Lakeland. It was horrible, weighed a ton, and was badly designed because the rim which held the lid was a real bacteria trap.


In the end, I bough a pretty peg bucket, which I line with a piece of folded kitchen towel, and I keep it under my sink. It gets emptied into my Bokashi bin, which I keep outside, every three or four days. I haven't had any smell problems with it. Well, that's not quite true. I don't usually have any smell problems with it. Occasionally, if it has a lot of citrus in it, it smells a bit, but then I just go and empty it.


This is the sort of thing I mean http://www.amazon.co.uk/s/?ie=UTF8&keywords=peg+bucket&tag=googhydr-21&index=aps&hvadid=1168901589&ref=pd_sl_9hhy8lpiop_e


but I bought mine at a local garden centre for £4.99 and didn't have to pay postage.


It will rust eventually, but it was very cheap so I don't really care.

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we got this from Ikea




with 2 of these




they fit under the sink, one is for rubbish the other for recyling but it could easily be used for composting - space permitting we'd have put two of them under the sink - recycling, rubbish and composting all in one place :mrgreen:


for composting we have a dark green plastic caddy - functional, hygenic and my favourite colour :dance:

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I bought my friend the newest one out of the Lakeland catalogue.


it looks like a huge red apple and is quite stunning. She adores it, and lakeland now do some bags that go in the caddy for you to carry your compost out in and these break down too. I think they are made of some kind of starch instead of plastic. There is also a filter in the lid to cut down on whiffs.

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I just have a little plstic pot,lined with kitchen roll on my worktop,which I empty every day.

The pot can then go in the dishwasher,so it keeps nice & clean.


I did have the Lakeland Peely Bin, but I found that when it was full & heavy the handles really cut into my hands when I lifted it for emptying. I would rather do little & often than emptying a whole heap of rotting stuff once a week.

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I have a ceramic one on the window sill which I use for veg preparation (and empty daily as I broke the lid !!) and a small chrome pedal bin which sits on the floor mummy and baby style by my big chrome bin. Both have the starch compostable bags in as I got fed up with washing out nasty smelly juice stuff all the time :vom:


Only problem is that the cat likes chewing and shredding the starch bags if I leave too much hanging over the edge of the floor bin :wall:

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I have something similar - a white and blue enamel nappy soaking bucket :lol: . It holds no end of peelings. I stick a sheet of kitchen paper in the base to make emptying easy. It's a bit old and battered but it looks nice in my kitchen :lol: .

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